What Destiny Took From Me

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I want to start off this chapter with something I realized I haven't mentioned before now: Chen would have absolutely won if he hadn't taken Puffy Potstickers off his menu.

Let me explain. When Chen took those off his menu, he made one customer very upset: Dareth. Yes, this is another reason why Dareth is such an important ally to me and someone I have a ton of respect for. Dareth not getting his Puffy Potstickers meant that he went after the noodle trucks to try to talk to Chen to get them put back on. In doing so, he found Nya with her DBX disguised as one and forced her to take him along. If Dareth hadn't been on that island, then a lot of things wouldn't have been able to happen.

First, Dareth was the one that disguised Nya and created her entire kabuki outfit. If she hadn't had that disguise, she wouldn't have been able to get the spell. We weren't able to get up there ourselves since Clouse was guarding it. If we made a move, we'd get caught and be turned into snake food most likely. Now, I know that I also said that Nya was caught. However, it was around the time that Dareth accidently alerted the entire island to his presence by singing. That sounds like a really dumb thing to do, but it actually worked out. Like I said before, most of Chen's guards were now out in the jungle looking for him. When Nya got caught, she only had to fight past Clouse. Without the heat on her, she was able to get to her stored Samurai X gear and go on the run.

Now, us being in the jungle was actually a massive blessing, when I look back on it. If Nya hadn't been out there, Chen might have just continued the tournament. Even if Jay hadn't broken his leg, Chen would have likely forced one of us to go up against each other again. We would have battled more in his tournament and whittled down our numbers even more. Even if that hadn't happened, we would likely have gotten taken out in some other way. Being in the jungle let everyone see Chen's real nature without us having to convince them again. Chen gave us the best possible way to form our alliance right then and there.

And even on top of all of that, Dareth being there was what made Zane and Cole rethink their plan and build the Roto Jet instead. If they hadn't done that, as odd as it was being built underground still, Clouse's giant snake -which I still don't know where he got it from- would have eaten my father. Even after Dareth was caught, he was still helping us.

Dareth being there was what got us to the point we were able to get our powers back in the first place. Even if Chen got his followers turned into snakes anyways, we were all able to be united. Chen lost the entire war the second that he took Puffy Potstickers off the menu. It's the strangest reason ever for someone to lose a war, but I still want to give Dareth another massive shout out here. Don't let anybody tell you that he isn't just as important as any of the rest of us.

I wanted to get that out of the way, before I decided to talk about the war. Dad told me that it's always good to talk about something good before you talk about something bad. And what happened next... wasn't good at all. It's the reason that he isn't here to tell me these words of wisdom himself.

It's the reason that my dad isn't here anymore.


Sometimes I wish I could just let Ninjago fall.


It was that day, that made me think maybe Morro had a point.

When I think about that day... I can't help it. I get angry. I get angry that I was the one that had to sacrifice something to win that battle. I get angry that the only way we figured out how to win that battle, was to sacrifice the one thing that I held closest to my heart. I had to sacrifice the one person... the one father that I was given as a reward for my efforts. I beat the ultimate incarnation of darkness, and for my sacrifice in having to overcome my fear of killing my dad, I was given the father I always wanted. And then Chen took it away.

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