The Preeminent's Preamble

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(I have to thank Jay for the title to this chapter. He said it as a joke at dinner once and it's a really good title for what was about to happen next.)

Since the Preeminent's invasion of Ninjago is such a big event, I'm not going to bother here acting like we actually managed to stop it from emerging. Morro's plan was too airtight. Morro made sure to put just enough between us and him that by the time that we got the chance to potentially stop him, it was too late anyways. That wasn't to say that we didn't try, but it means that when I think back on this I get angry that one of our best plans was one that failed badly. After awhile it just seems like we shouldn't make any plans at all given how few actually work.

I was still going in and out of being unconscious while on the Bounty. It was a long flight back to Steep Wisdom, meaning I had just enough time to actually get back up to a point I could fight again. Morro had actually taken good care of my body, which I know is because he needed it to be exactly as he wanted it whenever he needed it. Still, it was better than I could have been left in. Morro had just pushed my body to its limits physically and not like,, starved me. It was the best case scenario, the more I think about it.

When I was finally able to start moving around again, I was still in that state of being way too happy that I wasn't actually possessed like that anymore. I was able to feel things. Just running my hand against the bed felt.... It just felt way better than before. Thankfully I wasn't feeling things too hard, since that would have made everything to happen afterwards even harder than it already was. I was soon able to move around again and start talking with the other ninja.

I told them everything I knew about Morro. I told them about Morro's memories, about what he'd done to my head, about what his plans were that I got... I think I just kept talking. I kept talking and talking. None of them ever stopped me. I think they were just too happy to have me back, and I was too happy to have my friends back with me too. I think at some point I stopped talking about Morro and just talked about random things that had been going on inside my head. They still didn't stop me.

One thing that shocked me was actually seeing my mother with them. Mom never got involved in things like this. I mean, during both the Golden Master and Chen stuff, she stayed behind until the last possible minute. If I didn't know that she'd been trained by Wu and my dad, I would kinda understand that, but she knew how to fight and hold her own. It just meant that it was weird whenever she decided to come with us. Seeing her actually there felt good, though. It was just another person that I wanted to see after everything that happened.

The thing was, Morro didn't waste any time in his plan. I was still passed out when he went to Stiix and began his takeover using the Realm Crystal. I heard about it from the ninja watching the news when I was finally strong enough to climb the stairs again. In less than twenty minutes, Morro had unleashed enough ghosts to completely take over Stiix. I wasn't surprised he chose that place to do the plan either, since I already knew he had a base there in Ronin's old shop. Still, it went a long way in telling us that the Realm Crystal was both incredibly powerful, and dangerous. At that point, the Realm Crystal was just a tool that Morro had, and we had to stop it.

Zane told us that, through his analysis of the crystal, the energy inside the crystal likely derived from the FSM himself. That meant that the crystal would likely only be able to be destroyed by overloading it with power that was from the same source; that meant that my Green Power was the closest thing that we had to it. The theory was that I could pour my power into the crystal and eventually overload it into breaking. I've always wondered if maybe I had combined the crystal and my powers in different ways I could do new things with it. Maybe I'd get to go places other than the Sixteen Realms? It might be cool to see how that goes.

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