The March of the Oni

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I know that normally, I split up each adventure that I do into multiple chapters. I thought about doing that for this one, too. But whenever I did, I only ended up with about two in my head. And neither of them were that long. So, I decided to combine them into one long chapter. The last chapter for this book. The last adventure I've had until now. I've been writing this for a long time, and this was the last part of everything Harumi set into motion. Everything was about to come to a head here. Let's finish this.

Normally, I'd say something about being upset that I let myself think we were at peace ever since we defeated my father. But the entire time that we were waiting for this to happen, my father's words hadn't left me. I don't know why, but I felt that something was coming. Ever since this started, everything came back to the First Realm. Harumi revived my father with the Oni Masks. The ninja and Wu went to the First Realm to save themselves from Garmadon, and it was by the dragon's power that they managed to get back. My father was brought back as the Oni blood that he had. And when Wu got back, he said they enver found the Oni, even if Iron Baron claimed to have fought them to gain the respect of the dragon hunters. Even before my father and I foguth, I should have known one day, I'd have to face the Oni.

Of course, that wasn't what was on my mind the entire time that we were waiting for something to happen. I was busy helping the city. Everyone was praising us for helping, but I felt guilty. I'd been part of why this all happened, so being praised for it, didn't feel right. It wasn't right of the city to give me praise after Garmadon had only come back thanks to me. So I tried my best to help out. I mainly worked with going around Ninjago and helping out with the villages that the SOg had spread out to and still had locked down. It seemed that Harumi had built up a network all over, just to make sure that the main force in Ninjago City would be able to operate without them. The number of villages I had to fight to free was more than it should have been.

During all of this, Wu declared he wanted to rebuild the Monastery. He said after connecting to his father's realm again, he wanted to honor his legacy and remake the home that he'd spent his life in. I know until now, I've talked about it in a weird sort of way. I think that's because I didn't have a connection to the Monastery. Again, I was the one that burnt it down, so I never even spent a day in it. The ninja knew it as their first home too, but it was Wu that had the most connection to it. Wu said he didn't want to wait, that we had to go and do this now before our time ran out for it. I don't know what time was running out, but the ninja said Wu was still feeling like his younger self. Of course we helped build it when he asked.

Rebuilding the Monastery was an odd experience. Until now, we'd lived in the Bounty. It was sort of the final nail in the coffin to Yang's Temple... which, we still sorta just abandoned. We had barely even moved into it when we left. Cole said he went and talked to Yang or something, but I still think that was a lot better of a base. We could move it wherever we wanted, after all, and it was useful to just move to a location and use the Bounty to go somewhere faster. Plus... that temple was huge. I don't want to knock the Monastery, but Wu rebuilt it, really small. After saving Ninjago, I was sorta hoping to get my own room. We have to share. I mean, they're my friends so it's not like I'm mad but... come on Wu, you couldn't have just built a little more in there? Just one more room?

Well, either way, when we worked to rebuild it, Wu said he also wanted to commemorate our history. After everything that happened, we needed a record of it. Again, the ninja said that Wu was still feeling young. I don't think I ever really minded, though. Having Wu back, and having him act less... cryptic and vague than usual was refreshing. It was like he almost understood us more, which I don't think I can complain about. We all pooled together everything we remembered about our previous adventures, and that's how we made it. We gave all we had to some painters that Wu brought on, and Wu went about making everything for us.

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