The Thoughts Inside My Head

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Why had destiny picked me to be the Green Ninja?

There are two ways of answering that question. The easiest way of answering it is like how I talked about last time: I was the only one that would ever confront Lord Garmadon the way that destiny needed me to. If I hadn't hesitated, then the Overlord wouldn't have been defeated in the way that I did. I don't know how much destiny planned for the Golden Master, but as for what the actual prophecy said about me that was it. I was there because I had to defeat the Overlord in the Final Battle, which had to be triggered that way.

The thing is... I don't know how exactly to answer the question as to why destiny picked me specifically. Anyone could have gone and defeated the Overlord like that. Someone could have hesitated to kill my father on the Dark Island, or never even gotten that to happen at all. So many things had to happen the way they did. But, that's not what I mean. I'd never thought before that someone other than me could have done what I did. And the more that I was forced in my own head to think about it... the more I started asking myself that question again. Just because you can answer a question in one way doesn't mean you've solved it.

Morro was always there to talk to me. After he showed me his past, he started to act more like he did when I first fought him. He was arrogant, always talking down to me like I was just a kid to him. I know what that's like specifically after having spent a very long time dealing with that while I was training to become the Green Ninja in the first place. Morro started to tell me that no matter what I did to him, I couldn't stop his plans. Each time I pushed against him, I was just delaying the inevitable.

The thing was, all I could do while I was trapped there, was think. I couldn't go anywhere, and I wasn't in control of my body. I was just my own head, trapped inside of myself. And that meant that I just had time to think. I know that I've had times I've gotten too wrapped up in my own thoughts before... but that was literally all I could do.

The first thing I had to do was actually get all of the memories of Morro's past out of my head. I wasn't sure how to go about that, since they all felt so real to me. I had to sit there for a long time and just remember my own life. I had to go through each event in my past since I'd met the ninja one by one, just to be able to get my head back on straight. Each time that I felt something from Morro's memories starting to encroach on me, I had to just push it all away again by remembering something about my own past. I, thankfully, had a very raw recent memory of my father, which made pushing away Morro's thoughts easier.

I don't know how long that took me to do, but Morro must have noticed. I had finally started to come down from my own confusion when Morro appeared in front of me again. This time, though, he wasn't wearing those green robes. Instead, he looked like what I thought he did: a ghost. He was wearing those strange tattered robes with the large dragon emblem on the front, his entire body glowing green, and his hair still sporting that green streak inside of it. He wasn't smiling anymore either.

Morro asked me a simple thing: what did I hope to do by fighting against him? I told him that was pretty obvious. I wanted to get him out of my head so I could stop whatever plans he had for Ninjago. When Morro asked me if I actually knew what those plans were, I told him that it didn't matter. If he'd taken over my body and hurt my friends, I'd stop him no matter what. Not that I had any way of actually getting out to stop him.

After that, Morro asked me another question: why did I protect Ninjago? I don't know why, but I wanted to give him an answer that would provoke him, so I told him that I did it because I was the Green Ninja. That was when I felt Morro's anger for the first time. Since we were connected, I could sense his emotions. I'd never felt someone looking at me with such pure anger before. This wasn't like when I put an enemy on the run and they were cursing me. This was someone being so just, completely enraged with me that I actually felt worried. I felt sick to my stomach just looking at him. And he must have felt my fear, since he didn't let up on the anger as he spoke.

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