The First Time I Truly Lost

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There we were, ready with our vehicles to storm the city. The Golden Master was inside, and he had the power to move mountains like I had been doing before. He was at the strongest that we'd ever seen him before, and we were going to finally end this.

Borg contacted us before we made our way into the city. Apparently, after the Golden Master had released him, he'd made his way to something called the Temple of Fortitude. According to my dad and Wu, it was a temple that the Overlord had created during his battle with the First Spinjitzu Master and, ironically, it had a seal that would repel the Golden Power. Borg claimed that he'd brought something with him that could help defeat the Golden Master, but we had to get there in order to use it. Our objective was set clear. I find it a little weird that we'd never noticed a big massive temple in the middle of Ninjago City, but I guess it was one of those historical sites that you never pay much mind to until you either visit it or are forced to flee being vaporized in it. It's also a weird to mention that Borg was, again, captured and freed from the Digilord's control, but by now I've mentioned how strange this whole situation was.

Because of the fact that the Golden Master now not only had my Golden Power but also the Golden Weapons, it meant that even getting near him wasn't an option. Just one touch to him, and we'd be done. Over. Gone. We'd quite literally vaporize, just like that robot (which I still wonder about). It was a bumpy road to get here, but we were going to end this.

As soon as we made our way towards the city, the buildings not only moved together to form a wall, but somehow, they seemed to grow up from the ground. I didn't need to hear the rumbling to know that my own power was going to be used against me. Jay and Cole blasted a hole through a parking garage to let those of us on the ground in, while the others fought the rising buildings to go over. Just breaking into the city was already a hurdle, and as we burst out into the streets, it was clear we were no longer fighting for the city, but the city itself.

On our way through the streets filled with broken down cars and Nindroids firing at us from all directions, Nya got hit and taken out of the sky. The smart thing would likely have been to actually have just one of us go after her, but for some reason we all decided it would be best if we all went together. In the heat of battle, it's not always the easiest to make the smartest decisions. We formed up and decided to make one big push through the defenses to get to her, but that's when we first came face to face with the Golden Master. Our vehicles were destroyed, again... making me question why we were given cool vehicles if they were just stripped away from us again.

When I fought the Overlord, he was far less unnerving as he was simply menacing. He was a giant dragon, and having known dragons, I wasn't terrified of his actual form. But what we saw on top of that weird mech of his was something that nightmares are made out of it. His essence seemed to be writhing and crackling underneath his robes, as though my power was all that was keeping it together. His limbs and face looked like they could suddenly melt at any moment, sort of like a metal that had just barely started melting. That body was pressed up against the Golden Armor forged from the weapons themselves, and the strange thing looked like a ribcage trying to just barely, hardly, contain what was already unstable. His eyes were the only thing that didn't change when we looked at him, as though they were the only solid thing about his body. He was a horrifying thing to behold, and even more terrifying knowing that touching him of his mech would spell instant doom for all of us.

As though to taunt us even further, he decided to attack us using Spinjitzu. I think he was the first person after Misako and Nya to use it in front of us, which I admit, only added to his terror. And, even more confusingly, the longer that he stayed out in the open, the more he started to grow in size. The tornado sucking up matter into it was almost adding to his bulk, and as we fled towards the temple, we weren't able to help Nya. We had to leave that to her while we were just trying to fight for our lives.

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