A Grave Setback

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Since the deal I talked about at the end of the last chapter concerns him, I think that this is a good as time as any to actually talk about Ronin.

Ronin is probably one of the most mysterious people that I've ever met in Ninjago. It's not because I don't know what he does all the time, since I've gotten a pretty good idea from hearing about the crimes the Police Commissioner wants him for. Ronin is a bounty hunter, and he'll do whatever it takes to get the job done. He's also a treasure hunter, thief and con artist. I'm pretty sure that if there is anything valuable, Ronin has or has tried to steal it. Even after we've tried to put a stop to it, he's never shown any signs of slowing down on all of his shady deals.

I know what to expect when I meet up with Ronin. Ronin either helps us so he can get on our good side and make us look the other way the next time we catch up to him, or he's fighting against us. There have been many times we've gone chasing after him, only for him to end up empty-handed. He has a really good habit of leaving no evidence to convict him, even if you catch him at the scene of the crime.

The thing is, Ronin isn't evil. Sure, we've fought against Ronin a lot, but that doesn't mean that I think of him as an enemy. He's more like... an annoyance when he's against us, and a pleasant surprise when he's with us? It's really a matter of what's going on. Ronin will switch sides depending on what benefits him the most. In that way, he's probably one of the most selfish guys that I've ever met in all of Ninjago.

Even if he does that, though, Ronin doesn't exactly strike me as someone that'll just let people do evil things. When it came down to it, Ronin was willing to come back and help us. He was willing to risk going to the Cursed Realm if it meant saving Ninjago. Now, he said afterwards he did that since he couldn't exactly do business in Ninjago if it was cursed, but I don't know if that was really the case. I don't even know if Ronin knows that he cares about other people. I mean, maybe I'm reading too far into it, since I'm not the best at reading people. But, I think that Ronin just justifies doing things that don't exactly help him directly by finding a way that they do. Like, he does selfless things, but he convinces himself it was for selfish reasons?

I mean like, okay. When Ronin met the ninja when they went to get the scroll, he refused to give it to them and sold it to them instead. Then, when Kai was caught trying to get the scroll from Morro, he forced Kai into giving up all of our shares in Steep Wisdom to save him. He got involved with Nya's training only after she paid him to go and help. Everything that he did while I was possessed speaks to him being just a very selfish person only in it for the money.

The thing is... later on, Ronin saved Ninjago by giving the ninja the location of the tomb. He also gave them REX just so they could get to the tomb in the first place. I got to see the message that he left them after everything happened and... I don't know. When I saw that, and something else I'll mention later, I got the feeling that Ronin isn't a bad person, he just does bad things sometimes. But, then again I don't exactly spend enough time around him to really comment on it that much.

The reason that Ronin is important to this story is because long ago he made a deal with Soul Archer, one of the ghosts that Morro had summoned. I don't know the details, but Ronin had to pay Soul Archer a certain amount of money or else his soul would go to the Cursed Realm. Apparently, what he was paying with wasn't exactly important, since Soul Archer realized he could use that deal to force Ronin into betraying the ninja to give them the SoS.

Now, while Morro was formulating this plan of his, I was starting to get much better at fighting Morro's possession. While nothing I could do would rattle Morro, I think I was making it harder for him to have complete control of me. At that point, I knew Morro was behind the ninja, so I wanted to slow him down. It annoyed him to no end, and he even appeared to me to demand that I stop my incessant whining to him.

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