Twin Problems

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So, when it comes to talking about villains that I've fought, talking about Krux and Acronix is probably the weirdest one to talk about. It's not like they did anything that makes it hard to talk about, like Morro, or that they got so close to me that it hurt to have it ripped away, like Harumi. The reason why is kinda strange when I say it out loud, but I can't not mention it while talking about the Time Twins. The Time Twins were the first villains that I've faced that didn't care about me specifically.

I was the one that let out the Serpentine, and Pythor made a point of attacking me specifically. Obviously the stuff with my dad were situations where he cared about me a lot. Both Chen and the Golden Master wanted my power and to defeat me to prove themselves. Morro, of course, wanted my body because he thought of himself as the true Green Ninja. Everything that happened with Harumi were all things she did because she hated me. I guess Master Yang technically would be the one that has the least to do with me, since he was after Cole, but I remember fighting Pythor that day more than anything. All of the villains I'd faced up to that point had some personal investment in me.

The Time Twins didn't. Krux and Acronix didn't care if I was alive or dead. Sure, they hated having their plans foiled, but their plans all centered around Master Wu. To them, I was just another obstacle to push over. If I hadn't been there for everything that happened, then nothing would have really changed. For the first time, the villains didn't actually care about whether or not I was there to stop them.

Honestly, the more I think about it, when I talk about Acronix and Krux, I don't have much to say about them as people. I mean, I was able to write entire chapters about Morro and Chen, and the Overlord and my father were both big parts of how I became the person I am today. I can talk more about Sensei Yang simply because we started living in his floating temple. But when I think about the Time Twins as people... I literally have almost nothing to say about them.

So, I guess I'll just go ahead and talk about them up front. Most of you might have remembered that Dr. Sanders Saunders disappeared from the museum a year before the Sons of Garmadon started their rampage. If you don't, then you might remember him as that guy with the silly long mustache and really weird voice that loved giving tours and talking about the past. That was Dr. Saunders. I first met him during the whole scrap with Yang, though it wasn't until recently my mother told me that she had actually met him when she was working at the museum. She said that he was a very nice man and really loved talking about Ninjago before the events of the Serpentine Wars and how the individual cities developed. She said it was almost like he actually used to live back then.

It turns out, he did. Dr. Saunders was actually Krux, one of the two former Masters of Time (another element that I guess Chen's spell didn't need). Krux had fought Master Wu and my dad after the Serpentine Wars and lost. Wu and dad used Chronosteel to strip the Twins of their powers and then open up a Time Vortex in order to make sure the Twins could never get their hands on their powers again. The Twins jumped in afterwards to try to get them back, resulting in Krux being thrown out of the vortex minutes after he'd jumped inside, while Acronix was left to travel time indefinitely.

Maybe it's a little weird to go ahead and talk about all that upfront, but it's kinda what made all of this entire situation happen. Since Acronix was still lost to time, Krux decided to hide his identity and later start working at the museum to hide his true identity. I'm not quite sure why he did, but I guess part of it was because he really liked history. That's all I can even think to say about him. He was old, cranky, and he was a big fan of the 'good old days.' I'm pretty sure half the reason he even did all of this stuff was because he wanted to go back to a time before 'modern technology' had started to seep into things.

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