The True Green Ninja

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After being pulled into the Cursed Realm, I passed out. I'm not sure why, but it seems that whenever you cross realms you pass out. It might also have been that I was dragged through a portal by a massive slimy tentacle and then thrown down onto a rocky ground. I know the ninja said they passed out when they went over to Cloud Kingdom, and I know the first thing I remember doing after I was yanked into the portal was waking up.

I didn't stay very long inside the Cursed Realm, but I remember everything I saw. The entire place felt like the inside of some massive creature. There was no sun or anything like it, and all the light came from pulsing green mist that kept being blown out from the walls. The ground was solid rock, and it led in all different directions. The rocks reached up the walls like some sort of rib cage, making it so wherever I was, I was still inside of a cave. The air tasted bad, and just taking one breath was like inhaling ash near a fire. When I walked around, the air also felt incredibly thick, so each step meant I had to force myself to walk forward. The more I looked around, the more I saw ghosts that were flying around above me, making me the only person on the ground.

When I started moving, I realized that I was in the middle of strange balls of rock that acted like cages. There were people inside of them, and I think a few of them were the cultists that were dragged into the Cursed Realm. I didn't see Chen, but I had a feeling that I might have passed him at some point. The ghosts above me hadn't noticed me, and I wanted to get moving so they didn't get a chance to. Seeing all of the ghosts trapped in cages, I guess since I was there by the Realm Crystal, I wasn't cursed into becoming a ghost like the cultists.

The entire place felt sick to me, and the longer I stayed the worse I felt. It was like I really was swallowed up by some massive creature that was made of rock inside of flesh. I kept running for a long time. The ghosts never did notice me, and I was going in the opposite direction of the majority of them. They were leaving to find the exit to the Cursed Realm the Preeminent gave them. If you see that giant hole on the Preeminet's face, that's where they were going. I never even realized just how many people went to the Cursed Realm until I saw how many ghosts were heading out. I have no idea how so many of them were even sent there. I guess maybe it has something to do with if you do something wrong in your life, you get cursed. I didn't care and I still don't like to think about it. I was trying to make sure I didn't get spotted by them.

Everywhere I went, the walls behind the large rocky structures pulsed and throbbed. I was worried that I was going to be stuck there. I had to get somewhere. I had to do something. I really don't know why it was that I actually was running. I was just looking for something to do to save myself. I wanted to get away from all of these ghosts. I had just been dragged into the Cursed Realm, it wasn't like I was thinking clearly. I barely even remembered anything that had happened before I was dragged into the Cursed Realm, that's how panicked I was.

Then, I started to notice the light was getting more distinct. I was even seeing a bit more of white light rather than the green light that was everywhere. I started following it. I must have been sent to some sort of prison section for people like Chen, since the cages that I saw just started to get bigger and bigger. I could hear things behind them growling at me as I ran by, but I didn't take time to look at them. I was trying to follow that light. I wanted to get away from everything, not take time and look around. The air was getting thinner the longer that I ran, making it easier to move and breathe. I didn't know why, but it felt like I was heading somewhere important.

Some ghosts spotted me, so I ran even faster. By then, I was almost at my breaking point. I was about to collapse when I noticed that the ground sloped upwards and led to a large cavern up ahead. I heard the ghosts behind me, so I kept going. I wasn't even thinking of where I was going. I didn't have time to regret what had happened to me, or think about the fact that Morro was now in Ninjago all alone. I had to just get somewhere, and get there fast.

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