Chapter 1: The Letter

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London, England 3/19/2016.

Almost sixteen years came and gone, at the house of O'Conner has changed a little bit; it's still a two-story mansion. However, it went through a makeover to look fancier like a millionaire, the same with the inside. Walking right into the third-largest room in the house is Drago sleeping until his alarm clock went off.

BING! BING! BING! 6:30 am.


Starting to wake up, Drago set up in his bed, and he went ahead to start getting dressed. He's 5' 8'' average built and is wearing a pair of black sweatpants, a couple of sneakers, a bicep band on his left bicep, a black gauntlet sleeve on his right arm.

He's wearing a red hammy-down shirt; through the holes of the shirt, Drago notices his lean muscles, and lastly, on his right shoulder blade is a birthmark of a dragon with petals.

Drago seems ready for his day by looking at the mirror, but he knows he'll need to get breakfast first.

Down into the kitchen, Drago brought out five plates, then starts cooking up something. Just as Drago is halfway through his cooking, he starts hearing the footsteps of his stepfamily.

The first one to come into the dining room is my oldest step-sister, her name is Anastasia, she is dress like an intelligent college 22-year-old woman. The second eldest is a 19-year-old named Lara, she is more dressed like a beautiful, selfish girl. And lastly is the third about Drago's age, but he looks a few months younger; his name is Elijah. He is more like a rebellious teenager.

Then suddenly, Drago could hear the steps of the last person he's never wanted to meet, walking in the room their mother she in her late thirties to earlies forties. She's wearing a fancy dress like douches, she seems beautiful, but she has a heart as black as coal her name is Scarlett Red.

Walking to the table, she stares at me for what I'm wearing and noticing six plates.

"Drago, if I'm not mistaken, but there are only four of us?" Scarlett announces.

"To be technical, I'm here make five, and we have a guest," Drago replies.

"A Guest?!" Scarlett shouts. "Who is this guest? I'm not expecting anyone?"

Just then, the door starts opening, walking in is a woman full of sunshine and joy every time. She's wearing a flowing dress and a hat with her curly grey hair.

"Aunty Orchid Roseberry has arrived!" Orchid announces.

"Aunt Orchid!" Drago announces as he runs up to her.

"Ah, Drago may boy, you look just like your mother every time I see you," Orchid says.

"Miss Roseberry!" Scarlett sneers.

As Scarlett walks up to both Orchid and Drago, the look on her face, if Dargo can use a mirror, he could use her eyes to kill her.

"If I recall, you're not welcome here anymore," Scarlett says.

"And how's that working out for you, dear?" Orchid replies. "And besides, how am I going to see my sweet little boy? I am his guardian, by the way."

"How DARE YOU!" Scarlett shouts as she grabs Drago's arms.

"I'm his mother now, and I'll do whatever I."

Just before she could finish, Orchid grabs forms of paper.

"What are those?" Scarlett asks.

"This belongs to his parents; it's their Will that contains their son." Orchid answers. "If the guardian sees the child of their care is unhappy, or in any harm. They have the right to live in the house or take the course forcing anything unwanted out."

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