Chapter 10: Gifts from Amberrose's Family

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Opening his eyes, Drago could see that it's dark out. Setting up on the bed, Drago could see that Glittersilk is sleeping on his lap. Looking around, Drago also sees Stargazer sleeping on the edge of his bed, grabbing his want. Drago magically lifts Stargazer and places him in the same bed.

Drago magically changes clothes; Glittersilk opens his eyes and sees that his partner is fully awake. Glittersilk sees that he's leaving, so he followed him to a better area to talk with excitement.

"Drago!" Glittersilk announces quietly.

Turning around, Drago was happy to see his pixie flying toward him.

"Glittersilk, it is good to see you," Drago replies. "But unfortunately, I can't stay."

"What, why?" Glittersilk asks.

"I need to on a personal quest, and I don't know how long it'll take me, but I must do this," Drago replies.

"Okay, then I'm coming with you," Glittersilk adds.

I'm not going to argue with him, so I let him join me by using his wand Dragomagical sends them to their first location.

Once the magic has faded, both Drago and Glittersilk have arrived in Germany.

His outfits contain a pair of black knee-high boots, a couple of fiery pink pants decorated with petals, and fire-like embellishments waist. There is a vibrant pink pattern swath of fabric on one hip, a pair of black cuffs on his arms, and lastly, he is shirtless, showing his lean upper body.

"Why are we in Germany?" Glittersilk asks.

"We need to find an ancient castle," Drago answers.

Seeing Drago's wings appearing, they start flying high in the sky to find the ruins of her castle. While flying around, Drago and Glittersilk visit a few ruins around their area, but Glittersilk doesn't know which one they'll look to get.

"How are we going to find the right one?' Glittersilk asks.

"Don't worry; I'll find it for us," Drago answers.

Using his wand, Drago used his magic to scene which ruin they need.

Seeing a set of ruins glowing in the far distance, they start flying in that direction.

As the ruins came to view, it is completely cover in roses and thorns.

"Is this the right one?" Glittersilk asks.

Getting closer to thorns, Drago can scenes magically energy from them, and he could already tell that this magical energy belongs to Alcyone.

"Yep, this is the place," Drago answers.

"What is it was supposed to find?" Glittersilk asks.

"A rose that sleeps," Drago replies.

"That'll be like finding a needle and in a haystack!" Glittersilk shouts.

While looking at this ruined castle full of roses, Drago suddenly felt something magical. He starts following it.

Drago is wondering where it is coming from, following the strange senses stopping in front of a closed door, wondering what is behind it, opening it with caution. Drago and Glittersilk enter the room, seeing roses everywhere until they suddenly see a person sleeping on the bed. Drago is shocked to know that it's Tibbott, seeing him sleeping like he is dead, holding his Floral Forge weapon.

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