Chapter 6: A Mission and New Clothes

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Summertime! Drago and Elijah have never been so happy seeing that school is over. Heading back to Iris Garden & The Dragon Café, Drago has been busy making new recipes for his café. Surprisingly, he is getting an increase in profits, seeing customers are enjoying his baking.

Drago is happy seeing everyone enjoying his Fairy Puffs; once everyone is gone for the day, they close shop and start cleaning up for tomorrow.

"Wow, I can't believe that my business is making a big success in only a few weeks," Drago announces.

"I know, but I'm sure you can handle it," Orchid replies.

Just as they're about to close shop, they got a surprise visit from a fairy from the Land of Fairies.

"Professor Whitefruit, what brings you here to the Otherworld?" Drago asks.

"It's an emergency, and I need you and Orchid to return with me." Professor Whitefruit replies.

Not fully understanding what's going on, but Drago will soon find out when he returns to the Land of Fairies, but first, he quickly asks his pixie Glittersilk to stay here and look out for the shop, and Orchid asks the same thing with her pixie Tulip with the help of Elijah.

As they said their goodbyes, for now, Professor Whitefruit starts casting a spell to return them to the Land of Fairies. Elijah still doesn't know that his Stepbrother is a fairy.

"Drago!" Everyone shouts.

"It's fair-ific that you're back," Meri says.

"But it was sad that you didn't return." Stargazer adds.

"I know; I had to wait until school from the Otherworld is over," Drago replies.

They now understand what Drago is saying. Professor Whitefruit doesn't have time for the reunion.

"Anyway, Professor Whitefruit, is there a reason why you brought Drago and me here?" Orchid asks.

After hearing what Orchid asks the question, Professor Whitefruit starts getting more serious.

"Right, I called both of you here because we need your help." announces.

As they followed Professor Whitefruit to a secret chamber, deep with the Land of Fairies' castle, Drago and the rest saw nine strange items glowing with magical energy.

"Where are we?" Drago asks.

"We're in a secret place, that only a few of knowing it here." Professor Whitefruit says.

"We're in the Chamber of the Ancient Nine, are we?" Orchid asks.

Professor Whitefruit nods.

"As you can see, they're starting to fade." Professor Whitefruit answers.

Drago and the nine items start to glow as Drago got close to the ancient items. His neckless around Drago's neck also starts to burn.

As the neckless magically came off from Drago's neck, it reveals a familiar face to both Orchid and Professor Whitefruit.

"Iris!" Orchid and Professor Whitefruit shouts.

"My sweet Drago, if you see this, it means that the Land of Fairies is in danger," Iris announces.

"Our home is in danger?" Meri asks.

"I wonder what she means?"Spice asks.

"As you can see, the nine ancient magic spells holding Alcyone and her followers contain is poisoning by someone," Iris replies.

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