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"Why do I have to come? My head hurts." Clara asked popping a pill into her mouth. Today was field trip day, they were going to a greenhouse.

"Because Charlie doesn't think it's safe for you to be all by yourself at home. Besides, seeing green is good isn't it?" Bella replied.

"I guess." Clara sighed. Just then Mike came over to Bella.

"Hey Bella!" He turned to Clara, "Not dead yet huh?"

Clara let out an unamused laugh with his insensitive joke. "False alarm." She replied. Mike nodded and faced Bella with a smirk.

"So... Bella... you know... I was wondering...." he started nervously and Clara inwardly giggled. He was definitely asking her to Prom and what didn't help was that Bella wasn't even listening. Clara looked to her sister's kind of sight to see her staring at Edward and Edward staring back.

She smirked and moved her eyes to Jasper who had a similar smirk as he sighed at his brother making Clara chuckle.

"So what do you think?" Mike asked. Bella snapped off and looked to Mike as if he was toughest math solution in the world.

"What?" She asked and Clara snickered.

"You want to to go to Prom. With me?" Mike repeated.

"Oh...." Bella uncomfortably said, "Prom as in dancing...... um.... Clara and I are going to Jacksonville... to visit our mom." She lied.

"We are?" Clara asked not seeing the lie coming in. Bella gave her a pointed look and Clara laughed. "Oh yeah, we are. Wonder why my sister didn't remind me earlier." She mused.

Jasper laughed from his spot. The confusion in her face was evident but the way she quickly covered it up was just as amusing.

"Can't you go another time?" Mike asked in disappointment.

"Uh...." Bella was out of words to say. Lying wasn't her thing, it was more of Clara's.

"Non-refundable ticket." Clara saved her sister, "Maybe you should ask Jessica."

"You know what?" Mike smirked, "I think I will."


The students were all inside the Greenhouse. Clara and Bella were at the back, but Edward sort of took Bella away, not that Clara minded. She just boringly walked and smiled at the variety coloured flowers. She stopped to admire a pot of carnations.

"You like carnations?" An all too familiar voice asked. Clara smiled and nodded.

"You know, carnations represent love and socialism. They're my favourite of all flowers." She said. Jasper grinned and plucked a small one and placed it behind her right ear making Clara blush.

They continued walking.
"I didn't know you knew about flower representation." Jasper said.

Clara giggled lightly. "Well, I wanted to give my blog readers a new thing to read. So, I researched up a lot during the summer break last year and made a list of 25 flower meanings. Of all of them, carnations have stayed with me."

Jasper chuckled and nodded. He had momentarily forgotten that Clara had a pretty famous blog of her own but now that he remember, the more he adored her. He admired the way she had a mean of income and did something she loved all the while balancing out her studies as well.

They walked in comfortable silence, sometimes remarking about flowers and sometimes laughing and talking. Clara liked it. She felt comfortable with Jasper. She could be any version of herself and he still never judged her. He didn't look and talk to her only because of her beauty but he genuinely cared about her, at least that's what Clara felt.

When they finally exited, Clara furrowed her eyebrows as she saw Bella and Edward arguing back and forth. Poor Bella looked perplexed by what Edward was telling her and Clara just felt like giving the boy one tight slap for playing with Bella's feelings so much. It was like, one moment he was wanting to speak with her and the next, he was getting angry.

"No offence but Eddie has to make up his mind on whether he wants to befriend Bella or hate her." Clara said. Jasper nodded with a sigh.
"I agree ma'am."

Clara smiled and went over to Alice and Rosalie.
"Clara, how do you feel?" Rosalie asked

"A bit of a headache but I took my medicine so it should be fine." Clara replied.

"I read the new update in blog about dealing with difficult emotions for teens." Alice said, "It was amazing! Like, you wrote about how we should accept the feelings, take action on it and if it's too hard, get help. Like, how did you even find out about this?" She chirped.

Clara giggled. "I may not seem like it, but I read. Books with pictures at least. And with Bella's recent insecurity incident, I think it's important you know. For us to not hide the emotions and accept it." She replied.

Jasper grinned. Clara really was amazing.

Just then Bella and Edward came by and Rosalie glared at her, gave Clara a soft smile and entered the truck with her husband.

"Hello Bella. Will you be sitting with us?" Alice politely asked.

"No. The bus is full." Edward angrily said even though it wasn't and slammed the bus before entering it with Alice following. Jasper gave Clara an apologetic look before following his siblings to which the girl shrugged with a smile.

"I don't like Eddie. He's always making you upset." Clara commented. Bella shook her head.

"No it's my fault. I pressed on his nerve." She admitted and Clara rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, if he doesn't make up his mind in whether you're his friend or enemy and continues toying with you, I swear I will dislocate his seemingly perfect jaw and tear out every strand of that hair." Clara threatened.

"That's dark." Bella remarked.
"Whatever. He's been warned." Clara said and with Bella hopped onto another bus.

From the Cullen bus, Edward shuddered.
"For someone whom Rosalie calls a sweet girl, that's dark." He commented.

"She seems fun!!" Emmett exclaimed.

Jasper rolled his eyes. "She's not normally like that but you seem to have made it om her not-so-nice list."

"Yeah." Alice nodded, "But I'm not going to stop her even if she ends up doing whatever she just said."

"I don't like Bella but I agree that toying with her feelings is wrong." Rosalie agreed.

"Alright, alright. I get it." Edward groaned.


Clara was on her way to buy food. She was supposed to cook but she was feeling lazy so she decided to give Cora and Waylon a visit.

"Hi Cora!!" She greeted and Cora instantly hugged the girl.

"Oh Clara! You're finally here! Let me look at you. Wow. All grown up and gorgeous."

Clara giggled and went over to Waylon.
"Still playing Santa Waylon?" She asked.

"Forever will. The kids love me." The man chuckled.

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