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Clara and Charlie were already at the diner. Bella was running late and Clara guessed why.

"So, any boys?" Charlie asked. Clara laughed.
"Dad are you seriously going to do the 'boy talk' here?"

Charlie awkwardly shrugged. "No, I just.... want.... to know if..... you're dating....?"

Clara giggled. "Dad, sorry to burst your bubble that I'm single but I've been dating Jasper since mid-February."

She could have easily lied and hidden it, but the relationship would have come out somehow anyway. Besides, she wanted to be the one telling Charlie, not some other classmate with a big mouth (ahem Jessica). Also, Jasper's entire family knew of their relationship and she had already gone to their house too, it was only fair if Charlie knew too.

Charlie's eyes widened. "Jasper Hale? Dr Cullen's kid?" Clara nodded.

"Well that's a lot to take in." Charlie mumbled but cracked a small grin, "But it's good kiddo, you seem happy. Just know that if he hurts you, I'll chase him down to the ends of earth."

Clara laughed and hugged her dad. "Thanks dad for having my back. I'll make sure to relay that message to him."

Just then Bella came, "Sorry, Biology assignment." She lied and Clara snickered, nudging her sister.

"Are you sure it isn't Eddie?" She whispered. Bella blushed and lightly hit Clara.

Cora then brought over the food.

"I ordered you both salad if that's okay." Charlie told, folding his newspaper.

"You should order one for yourself next time." Bella said.
"Cut back on the steak." Clara added.

"Hey, I'm as stealthy as a horse." Charlie stated and Clara giggled while Bella nodded.

A sigh left Cora's mouth. "Say Chief, the boys want to know."

Clara looked to the people then back to Cora. Waylon had recently been killed and they looked glum. Cora especially, lost her smile and had big bags under her eyes.

"Did you find anything by the river today? I just hope they catch him fast." Cora said referring to the 'animal'. Clara and Bella shared a look.

As Charlie cautiously explained the situation, Clara discreetly ate her food. She felt bad for the diner and she also wanted to know about the investigation, but still, she was starving. Bella lightly pinched her sister and Clara winced.

"What? I'm hungry." She pouted. Bella playfully rolled her eyes and followed her sister's action, discreetly eating.

(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

Clara was sleeping. Her body was curled up as she snuggled in the thick blanket and the rain poured heavily outside. A half open laptop lay beside her along with an empty bag of chips and an empty can of soda. She had spent the night reviewing her blog and updating it, but she fell asleep midway.

She didn't notice her window opening nor did she feel the gist of wind which came along. But when she felt a cold hand on her shoulder, Clara instantly jolted up, grabbing her laptop and holding it in defence motion, reading to hit any creeper which had entered.

"Clara. It's me! No one else!" Jasper put his hand up. Clara let out a relieved breadth and put her laptop down. She kicked him lightly and went under the blanket again.

"What do you want? I was sleeping so well." She mumbled. Jasper chuckled and wrapped an arm around her as he lay beside her.

"My family's up for a game of baseball tomorrow. I came to ask if you want to join." Jasper said.

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