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On the day after visiting the Cullen residence, Clara received a text from her boyfriend that the entire family wouldn't be attending school because of some business. Clara was a bit disappointed that she wouldn't be able to meet her friends, especially Jasper, but she just gave a smile emoticon and told them it'd be fine.

Of course this meant that Bella was spacing out about Edward again and Clara had to drag her sister to properly function.

Bella and her would researching at night and as much as the younger Swan was getting bored, her sister was adamant on finding out what was wrong with the Cullens. Bella had never been one to do good research and Clara had found out most of the information. Like she found out about a book which had every Quileute legends and which bookstore sold it. Bella had written down every information and thanked Clara so much that the 16 year old felt like it was at least worth it.

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The Cullens hadn't come the next day either and Clara was wondering if it'd take them another entire week. She was at the cafeteria and looked over to Bella who was spacing off at the Cullen table.

"He isn't here." Jessica told, catching Bella, "Whenever the weather's nice, they just disappear."

"They just ditch?" Bella asked, her and Clara sharing a look. Why would anyone not come out on a sunny day? Especially in a cloudy place like Forks?

"No, Dr and Mrs Cullen yank them out for hiking and camping and stuff. I tried out the idea on my parents, not even close." Jessica explained. Suddenly Angela bounced over to them with the most ecstatic look ever.

"I'm going to Prom with Eric!! I asked him!! And I took control!!" She exclaimed.

"Good for you." Clara smiled softly. Angela was the only one she could tolerate, Jessica was a gossipy meany, Eric was over friendly and Mike was a creep.

"Are you sure you have to go out of town?" Angela asked Bella.

"It's a family thing." Bella told and looked over at Clara who shrugged. Clara was already attending Prom with Jasper.

"Oh my god! We need to hit the store in Port Angeles before all the good dresses get cleaned out!" Jessica said.

Clara looked over at Bella. The Thunderbird and Whale bookstore was where the Quileute legend book was located and the bookstore also happened to be in Port Angeles.

"Can I come with?" As expected, Bella asked.

"Sure we could use your opinion!" Angela nodded and faced Clara, "You?"

"I've already bought a dress online with Alice and Rose's help." Clara told.

"Of course you have." Jessica grumbled. She was still jealous that a new girl, Clara, could befriend the Cullens.


Clara didn't at all understand why and how she got to Port Angeles. What she did know was that, Bella had dragged her along. Clara opened her laptop and sighed as she sat in the bookstore seat and started typing her blog. She wasn't in the mood for dealing with Jessica's jealousy and so, she was waiting in the bookstore for Bella to arrive. She typed in her blog, her topic was 'Dating' and basically about how to know if you like the boy or whatever. She was the type who wrote when things in her life inspired her and with her happy relationship with Jasper, she had loads of ideas in her head.

Bella finally arrived and Clara gave her a small smile. Bella searched all around the shelves for the exact book Clara had gotten from the web and spent almost an hour at it. She was determined. By the time they finished paying, the outside was all dark. The sun had set and lesser people walked around in the streets. Bella was engrossed in her book and Clara found that amusing.

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