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Clara laughed along with Rosalie and Alice as they watched Emmett get thrown hard to the ground by Jasper.

"Again!!" Emmett aggressively said, not liking that he was losing. Rosalie brushed off the dust from his jacket and trousers.

"Em that's quiet enough." She told.
"But Babe!" Emmett pouted.

Edward's jeep drove into the training site which was the middle of the forest. It was far from the civilians and no one would witness them and also, it was enough space for all of them to practice and spar. Even the humongous wolves.

As everyone gathered, the wolves also approached them. Edward read their mind and said,
"They don't trust us enough to be in their human form."

"They came. That's all that matters." Carlisle nodded in understanding and turned to his adopted son, "Will you translate?"

Edward nodded and Carlisle took a step forward. "Welcome. Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them."

Carlisle gestured for Jasper and the honey blonde haired nodded, unlinking his arm from his lover and going forward.

"They want to know how the newborns are different from us." Edward communicated.

"They're greatly stronger than us because their own human blood is still lingering in their tissue." Carlisle answered, meeting the wolves' eyes to make his point, "Our kind is never more powerful than in our first several months of life."

Carlisle turned and gave Jasper a small nod allowing Jasper to step in his place as Carlisle moved back.

"Carlisle's right. A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army. No human army could take them." Jasper started, "The two most important things. First, never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly."

Clara lightly shuddered recalling how she had killed Laurent in the same manner. Reading her mind, Edward raised a brow and gave her an inquisitive look. She just shrugged and pointed to Bella and mentally told him about Laurent trying to kill her sister and that she had no choice. Edward nodded in understanding.

"Second, never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that and you WILL lose." Jasper finished, everyone listened with full concentration. Jasper turned to Emmett and gestured him to come.


Hearing his name, Emmett smirked and left his wife's side, stepping forward.

"Don't hold back." Jasper told.
"Not in my nature." Emmett's smirk seemed to widen.

Emmett ran towards Jasper, ramming his shoulders into the blonde head, Jasper's feet slid across the dirt as he did nothing to stop Emmett. Once Jasper's back collided with a tree, Emmett picked him up and threw him in the air. Jasper spun in the air before landing on his feet, in a crouch. The two charged at one another, Jasper bent and dodged a punch thrown by Emmett. Jasper then quickly hit Emmett on the chest, sending him to the ground.
"Never lose focus." He looked down at his brother and said in his Southern drawl making Clara giggled, playfully rolling her eyes at his small 'show-off'.

The next spar was done by Carlisle and Edward. The two sent each other a small nod before beginning. Edward jumped at him making Carlisle slide down under his feet, the doctor quickly stood up and turned around. They threw hits at each other, Edward having the advantage as he read Carlisle's mind to figure out the moves. Edward dodged a punch and slammed Carlisle to the ground by placing his hand on Carlisle's chest. Edward smirked and got up to turn to Jasper who had a similar smirk.
"One more thing." Jasper started. Suddenly Carlisle got up and dragged Edward to the ground.
"Never turn your back on your enemy." Jasper finished.

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