𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎

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About a 3 weeks had passed since Clara's turning to a vampire. During these 3 weeks, she ended up finding out what her power was. Clara could numb and take away physical pain as long as someone was in her vicinity. This first happened when Charlie stubbed his toe hard and the pain instantly vanished as soon as Clara focused on it. Though it took a lot of focus. Clara was of course taken aback by this incident and although she felt bad for her father, she needed to try it again.
So without his knowledge, she poured water on the floor and soon enough, clumsy Charlie slipped on the floor and fell, injuring himself. Clara, once again, focused entirely on him and slowly numbed the pain and within a minute, Charlie was up and standing but as soon as he left to the station, the pain returned.

Clara was now freaking out and panicking. Not only was she a newborn vampire who was still learning to control her thirst, she now also had an ability to numb physical pain. She had lots to learn and do and she was grateful that she didn't have to sleep at night so that she could finish all her assignments and homework.

Clara's main hobby was updating her blog. She wrote on heartbreak, moving on and most recently, she had just updated her blog on the topic of 'being thrown into something unexpected and unwanted and leading to cope with it'.

Little did she know that a certain gold eyed she family read every time she updated her blog. The Cullens were confused as to why Clara had suddenly given such a detailed description of how things always didn't go as wished and sometimes people could be thrown into a part of life they never wanted. Jasper was the most worried, had something happened to Clara?
But the one who was most scared was Alice. The pixie had seen a vision of Victoria pouncing on someone, but a Alice didn't see who. Alice just hoped that the person wasn't Clara.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

It was the almost the end of November. Clara's training of controlling thirst was very risky. She had forced herself to walk in the crowded streets of Seattle and sit in the crowded diners. Slowly but surely, she started getting used to the tempting scent of human blood. Her tightly clenched jaws and glares stopped and she could sit somewhat comfortable near people and was getting better at controlling her thirst for blood.

Clara decided enough was enough. She closed her laptop shut and went to the mirror. Her eyes widened. Her ruby red eyes were now amber, a prominent amber. Just like Jasper's. A bright smile came to her face. She had done it, she had succeeded in properly going through the animal blood diet. She changed into clothes and put on brown contact lenses and exited the house, making a small breakfast for Charlie and writing a small note informing him of her whereabout.

Clara was driving do school. She knew that it was stupid of her, she knew that people would stare and that they would ask questions. She was also very well aware that the school would be crowded and that she would be reminded more and more of Jasper and the Cullens.

But Clara was on the road to moving on and healing. Her heart was slowly patching itself back up. She wanted to live normal as she had always done. She didn't want to avoid the memories of her and Jasper forever, she didn't want to forget them either because even if he had left and broken her heart, the 8 months she knew him and the 7 months she had dated him were definitely the lost happiest times of her life. And if she could do it all over again, Clara would, except if she had the second chance, Clara wouldn't have trusted Jasper to keep his promise of never leaving. That was one mistake she had made.

The students of Forks High School gasped as a familiar black car parked in the parking lot. None of them had expected Clara to return. Even though her and Jasper weren't as flamboyant about their relationship as Bella and Edward, everybody knew. And them breaking up was something no one had expected. They all intently watched as Clara exited the car and strutted graciously just as she had done so the first day she came.

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