𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛

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It had been a week after Clara's birthday and Charlie was proud. She had started going out of her room and walking out, she started getting back her appetite and she started smiling and laughing more. Clara still didn't attend school because she didn't feel like going through with all the questions and stares of the students. She talked to Bella everyday from the other end of the door but Bella was still the same. Bella was still a living zombie.

Clara stretched and plugged in her earphones as she went for a small walk in the woods. She was snacking on a bag of chips and was enjoying the scenery. It had just finished raining and the roads were wet. The trees looked fresher than ever and small drops of dew fell from the leaves. The only other sound other than the birds chirping was Clara's footsteps. It was serene and Clara enjoyed it. She needed some peace in her life.

As she walked, Clara heard a sudden rustle of leaves. She felt it. The feeling of being watched by someone. She removed her earphones and turned around, she saw no one. Furrowing her eyebrows, Clara started walking back home, her steps faster.

The rustle of leaves came again, this time much louder. Clara rolled her eyes and started to run as fast as she could. But she didn't run far when someone suddenly jumped right in front of her making her stumble back and lean against a tall tree.
Clara gasped at who she saw. A familiar curly red head with piercing prominent blood red eyes.

"Victoria...." Clara breadth. Victoria laughed menacingly.

"Glad that you remember me little one." She said. Clara gulped. There was no point in escaping, Victoria would catch up to her in a second. And from her previous encounter with James, Clara knew better to not mess with a vampire. A fraction of their strength was enough to crush her skull.

"What do you want?" Clara asked trying not to let the fear show in her voice. Victoria shrugged.

"I want to kill you, simple. It would be a good way to revenge James's death. After all, your mate was one of the killers." Victoria smirked, "But where is he? I don't get their scent?"

Clara didn't respond. But Victoria figured it out, the corner of her mouths tugged into bloodcurling smile.

"They left eh? Leaving you and your sister? Ooh, I love myself a tragic romance story." She said in mock amusement. Clara narrowed her eyes.

"Just kill me already and get it over with." Clara said.

"Where's the fun in that?" Victoria asked going closer to Clara, "Now that they've gone, I have a much better idea. Wouldn't it be amazing to just turn you? And then make them feel REGRET?"

Clara shook her head vigorously. She wasn't ready. She wasn't ready to give up sleep, she wasn't ready to give up food. There were so many other things she wanted to do, so many more places she wanted to visit. And what about blood lust? She would be alone. What if she lost control? Clara didn't want to turn. She wasn't ready at the slightest.

"Please! Please!! No!!" Clara cried, her tears streaming down. These would be the last of her tears, the last tears she would shed.

Victoria only smirked, "Bye Bye little one." She taunted before pouncing at Clara. The younger Swan screamed as Victoria's sharp teeth pierced into her neck, she screamed as blood oozed out and as her entire body began to feel like it had been continuously rammed by a truck.


Clara couldn't comprehend the pain. Even though she was unconscious, it felt as if her entire body was on fire. As if she was literally being burnt alive. It was hot, too hot. Her throat burned and she could literally feel her cells and limbs tearing apart and reforming. Her still body was just an illusion, her mind and internals were nothing but calm, they were a whole mess. It was like a boat rocking heavily in a calm sea or a plane flying smoothly in a storm.

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