𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛

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"They're coming." Alice announced, letting everyone know of the arrival of 4 Volturi guards. Clara got a bit nervous. According to Edward, the Volturi were interested in any vampire who had a special ability and would do anything to get them to their side.

Jasper kissed her cheek and muttered, "Don't worry Darlin'. I'll be with you."

"How long?" Edward asked.
"A few minutes. Maybe 10?" Alice answered.

"The pack needs to leave. The Volturi won't honour a truce." Carlisle stated and the wolves who had phased back to human nodded.

A snarl cause everyone to snap their heads to the forest only to witness Leah in wolf form leaping at a newborn. Clara instantly left Jasper'a side ran towards them.

"Leah! Don't!" Edward yelled.
"Clara!! No!!" Jasper yelled at the same time.

Jacob, who was also in wolf form, ran to them and latched at the newborn, the two rolling around the mud. That was until, the newborn managed to wrap his arms around Jacob's torso and squeezed it allowing a significant amount of cracks to be heard. As Jacob turned back to human, yelling in pain, Clara glared at the newborn and dodged his punch and kicked his head off, throwing his body over to Rosalie who caught it and threw it to the fire.

Jacob let out another pained scream, curling up into a ball. Bella ran to him.
"Jacob! Jake!!" She shouted in concern and sat by him.

Clara joined along and concentrated all her power on him, removing the sensation of pain for him so that his body slowly relaxed and he breadth out.
"Thanks." He mumbled.

"Don't thank me yet you fool. The injuries haven't been healed." Clara said trying to remain concentrated. She had only practiced her powers on smaller injury pains, but Jacob's case was different. His bones were broken and cracked and that too, several of them at once. Edward and Carlisle quickly came over crouching down beside him.

"Jacob. Hold on. Carlisle's gonna take care of you." Edward told. He didn't like Jacob much but the vampire also knew how much Bella cared for Jacob and besides, the wolf had done nothing but help them protect Bella.

"The bones on the right half of his body are shattered." Carlisle explained as he examined Jacob.

"Great." Jacob sarcastically mumbled.
"Jake don't worry, I'm here." Bella was close to tears.

"Jacob you idiot!! I had it!!" Leah shouted as the pack came from the woods.

"Leah." Sam sternly told before kneeling down by Jacob's side.

"I need to start the healing before his accelerated healing kicks in. It's already starting but thanks to Clara using her power, he isn't able to feel the excruciating pain." Carlisle calmly told Sam.

"We need to get him out of here. We're not going to win a fight with the Volturi." Edward informed the group.

"We'll take him to Billy's." Sam suggested.
"I'll come as soon as I can." Carlisle nodded.

"Alright, you guys can pick him up right? I'll stop my power once you've picked him up. I can't use it over too long distances." Clara said and the wolves nodded, picking up Jacob roughly causing him to scowl.

"Stop fooling around! Once she stops using her power, you can't be so reckless anymore." Sam scolded the wolves who nodded.

They started walking off and when they had reached far enough, Clara's power stopped. It had reached its distance limit and the vampires could all hear the whimper and grunt of pain by Jacob.

"They're coming." Alice announced and everyone gathered in the middle. Jasper putting his arm around his mate's waist and Clara wrapping her arms around his torso from the side.

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