𝙵𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚢 𝙴𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

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A couple of months had passed and Renesmee's was still growing at an unprecedented rate. She looked to be at least between 6-8 now and Bella and Edward had started worrying about how much time they would have left with Renesmee while she was still in her childhood.
During this time, Renesmee had become greatly close to all her other family members. Emmett was her fun uncle, Carlisle and Esme were the grandparents who adored her, Alice and Rosalie were the aunts who spoiled her rotten, Jasper was an uncle she loved talking to and being with while Clara was her aunt who she greatly treasured and was fond of. Jacob was someone who agreed with her on all matters and followed along wherever she went.

The Cullen household was in the usual. Renesmee, Jacob and Bella had gone for a walk to the snow because the little girl wanted to play and catch snowflakes.
Clara was curled by Jasper as he read and she just stared off into space. Carlisle and Esme were close by playing a game of chess. They had asked if Clara wanted to join but the vampire kindly declined knowing she would definitely lose. But Bella suddenly entered with Renesmee and Jacob, looking very anxious.

"Did something happen?" Edward asked walking into the room while Jasper and Clara got up to their feet.

"I saw Irina. She ran off before I could talk to her." Bella replied.

"I'll call Tanya." Edward said, dialling up the vampire and conversing with her. The vampires all listened intently as Tanya explained that they had convinced Irina to apologise to the Cullens, especially Clara and tell them that she had forgiven Clara for the Laurent incident.
By the time the call finished, all the other Cullens had gathered in the living room.

"Tanya convinced Irina to reconcile with us and Clara." Edward confirmed.

"Well it looks like she changed her mind." Clara pouted and slumped to the couch. Jasper sat beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and with the other hand, he rubbed her knuckles.

"Seeing Jacob must have been shocking to her. She doesn't know fully of the wolf-vampire feud being stopped here." Esme pointed out.

"I wish I could have spoken to her." Bella mumbled sitting by the piano where Edward and Resemee were sitting beside each other.

"She's family. She'll come around." Carlisle assured before going back to the game of chess him and his wife had been playing.

Everyone smiled softly and listened as Edward gracefully started playing the piano. Jacob leaned against the wall, a bit further away but his eyes were set on his imprint. Rosalie and Emmett stood in the corner of the room, Rosalie wrapped in her husband's arms. As Renesmee's fingers followed her father and played the piano, Clara curled closer to her husband's chest. Alice squealed lightly as she recorded the entire thing.

"Alice, send me the video too." Clara whispered to the pixie who nodded.



"Auntie Clara, can we look at the flowers in the garden?" Renesmee asked, placing her hand on her aunt's cheek. Renesmee hardly ever talked and always preferred to use her power to communicate with the others.

Clara smiled and nodded. "Of course Sunshine. Why don't you go put on your shoes and then we can go?"

Renesmee nodded and quickly ran to her room. Clara looked to Jasper and informed,
"Sunshine and I are going to the garden to look at flowers alright?"

Jasper nodded and pecked her lips. "Alright. Haven fun Darlin'."

Renesmee came back, all ready. Clara smiled and held her hand as they exited the room to the garden. Before leaving, Renesmee waved at her uncle,
"Bye uncle Jasper!!"
Jasper grinned and waved back. "Bye Sunshine."

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