two hell hounds one family

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It was just another day in imp city in the office building of the company known as I.m.p. there was four people or demons in the room.

There was blitz a rather short demon who owned the company he was red black and white with yellow eyes has two horns and was pretty much the boss of the fucking joint.

Damn its so fucking boring here. Said blitz.

Business is pretty slow today sir but I wouldn't complain. Said moxxie

Moxxie is a short red demon that has White hair black and white striped horns in a nice tuxedo And sounded like kaos from skylanders.

Right next to him was millie his wife she was the same size as moxxie with black hair with a few white areas in it with a western accent and black clothing.

Oh come on hun its not like we have anything to do today right loona? Asked millie.

Loona was a grey and white wolf like teenager with black shorts with a crescent moon on her right side long toeless socks a grey top with a pentagram on it and fingerless gloves

Nope just hearing you shit heads complain non stop said loona.

Come on loona was that really nessarary said moxxie with an irritated voice.

Loona was always kind of a jerk to the others but blitz never really minded it he always treated her like a puppy.

Uggggggh i need to get some fucking air said loona as she walked out side of the building.
As she walked out side she heard a little whimper coming through the ally next to the building. Now usually she doesn't give two shits about other people but this sounded like a little kid.

Loona looked in the ally then found a little hellhound boy all beat up. He looked to be six years old, had a black coat of fur blue eyes a navy blue t shirt and grey shorts. He was crying in his sleep and looked like he was in a lot of pain.

Loona felt bad for him so she put her hand on his head. What the fuck is a little pup doing out here all by himself he shouldn't be alone.

He looked like he was starving too so loona picked him up in her arms and brought him inside the building to get him help.

As loona walked inside the building the rest of I.m.p. see's that she has a pup in her arms. Loonie why is there a child here. Asked blitz. No time to explain her needs help now yelled loona.

This has better not be a mistake like the last kid who was here or even those two pscico kids from the Mayberry job. Said moxxie.
This one is not like them said a protective loona.

Maybe we should help him he seems hurt and hungry said millie. As they helped him into a bed so he could get some rest. As that happened loona just staired at him with a protective Glare.

Are you coming loona asked millie.

Nah I'll stay here just to make sure the kids alright said loona.

As the others left loona looked towards the male hellhound pup and smiled towards him watching him sleep then she fell asleep next to him keeping him safe.

helluva boss: son of a hellhoundWhere stories live. Discover now