mike in the lust ring

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Mike is just on his bed watching family guy on FOX when he heard that his family return from a job. As he entered the room his mom( loona) and his grandma( Mara mayberry) opened the portal to earth for the others.

Wow Now that was crazy, who knew taking out an evil politician would be so hard. Said blitz.

Well at least the bastard is dead and now we get paid. Said moxxie.

Hey guys how was work. Asked Mike.

Meh it was okay just killing some dick face but to be honest I'm still filled with excitement from that. Said millie.

Well I hope you are because I'm taking you to a place for tonight for our wedding anniversary. Said moxxie.

I hope it's not ozzies because it wasn't as romantic as I thought. Said millie

Nope besides we can't go back were banned for life. Said moxxie.

Oh yeah but it was worth knocking out that jester. Said millie.

Well congrats you two. Said blitz.

Know don't even think about following us sir. Said moxxie.

Oh Don't worry moxxie I actully have plans of my own tonight with Mara I'm taking her to a club in the lust ring for our 4th anniversary. Said blitz.

Wow hun I didn't think you would do that with me. Said mayberry

Well I hope you have fun guys said Mike.

Oh shit well this is awkward. Said loona.

Why is that. Asked blitz.

I was accully going to ask you to watch Mike because I'm going to a party tex invited me to. Said loona.

Oh well we could take Mike with us it be no problem. Said mayberry.

NO! Yelled loona.

Everyone was shocked when loona snapped at that awnser.

Sorry it's just as a parent I don't want my son anywhere near the lust ring. I don't want a bunch of whores trying to have their way with my boy. Said loona.

Oh right we don't want a repeat of what happened with verosika. Said blitz.

Well why don't you ask octavia to watch him. Asked moxxie.

She's sick. Said loona.

Well why don't I stay home alone tonight. Asked mike.

I don't know remember what happened when I left you alone last time.


As Mike was asleep toothless was having a party with other dragons.

(End cutaway)

Oh right well I don't know what to do now. Said Mike.

Loona sweetie just let me and blitz take Mike with us, I promise we won't let anything happen to him. Said mayberry .

Alright just make sure no hussies try anything. Said loona.


Blitz, mayberry and mike. Were at the hellevator waiting for their elevator to arrive. Mike was wearing a blind fold.

Hey what's the matter sport you have sensitive eyes or something? Asked blitz.

Nope it's to block my vision so I don't see anything I'll regret. Said Mike.

Oh come on its not that bad. Said blitz.

No offense grandpa but I would like to stay a virgin. Said Mike.

Oh don't worry sweetie I won't let anyone come near you especially since I have this. Said mayberry as she pulled out a tazer.

Alright if you say so. Said Mike.


They were in a taxi driving through the lust ring. Mike saw alot of..... stuff and he blushed so much that he looked like an imp.

Okay maybe coming here was a mistake said blitz.

It fine I'm just not used to this kinda thing don't let it ruin you're guys anniversary. Said Mike.

Yeah come on blitz we can still have a good time, and hey nobody has tried to hit on Mike so I think we're fine. Said mayberry.

Then they entered the club they waited to be seated. Then the bouncer came up.

Excuse me but is that one under aged. Asked the bouncer.

Yes. said blitz.

Okay just had to be sure. Said the bouncer.

Then they were seated and handed menu's well Mike I think you'll like the food at least it's not ozzies. Said blitz.

So why don't you like ozzies hun. Asked mayberry.

Bad experience. Said blitz.

Then the host got everyone's attention.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the loving clam. I'm your host pyro storm.
And welcome to my establishment and tonight we have a very famous guest you know her you love her VEROSIKA MAYDAY. Said the host.

Then verosika took some photos with some fans and blitz tried hiding his face behind the menu and mike hid behind mayberry.

Oh shit I didn't think she would be here. Said blitz.

Don't worry she's to busy with everyone else  I bet she doesn't even know we're here. Said mayberry.

Please make sure she doesn't see me. Said Mike hiding behind her.

Oh it's fine besides I'm sure she forgot all about you. Said mayberry.

Now how many of you heard about that   angel wolf kid from I.M.P. huh. I heard he was a nice guy and a very attractive one too. Said the host.

Well I would most definitely like to see him again. Said verosika.

Okay I need to leave now I shouldn't be here. Said Mike.

Blitz grabs his hand and assures him nothing will happen to him.

Okay I trust you. Said Mike.

Just than a imp waitress asked for what they are all gonna eat.

I'll have a couples chicken antre for me and my hubby and a burger and fries for my grandson here. Said mayberry.

Oh..alright and by the way that kid is adorable. Said the waitress striking a pose that attracts some people.

I'm gonna go to the restroom real quick. Said Mike.

Okay kid. Said blitz.

Mike than walked over to the bathroom and after he was done he bumped into verosika mayday.

Oh hey its you. Said verosika.

Oh no...ummm hi verosika. Said Mike.

Well I didn't think you would be here. Said verosika.  Well I'm here with my grandparents.  Said Mike.

Well I'll escort you to them said verosika as she takes Mike to the table he was at.

Oh great it's you. Said blitz.

I'm just here bringing cutie pie back to you. Said verosika.

Alright you better not have tried anything with him. Said mayberry.

Don't worry grandma I'm okay. Said Mike.

Well see you around puppy. Said verosika as she kissed his cheek.


Wow that was an amazing night said mayberry.

Well I'm going to bed goodnight guys said .mike.

Night kid. Said blitz.

Than Mike passed out on his bed and right next to his window verosika snuck in and put her number in his phone.

See you soon my little angel. Whispered verosika.

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