sneezey day(a parody of the big sneeze episode from the Garfield show)

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We open in on loona laying down on some flowers enjoying herself on a nice beautiful day on earth. Incase your wondering the whole i.m.p. family was having a barbecue just enjoying they're day.

Hey mom lunch is ready. Said Mike.

Okay I'm coming son. Said loona

Mike starts serving everyone there food

But when loona sat next to Mike he started sneezing and the food went flying in the air. Blitz was barley able to catch the food and it landed perfectly on the plates.

Bless you Mike. Said millie.

Thanks aunt millie, I don't get it I've been sneezing all the time lately. Said Mike.

Maybe it's allergy season. Said loona.

Mike than sneezes again when loona came closer. Just than moxxie noticed something.

Well not all the time just when he's around you loona. Said moxxie.

You're full of shit moxxie. Yelled loona.

Actually he has a point dear, I'll take Mike to a doctor tomorrow to check up on him. Said mayberry.

Okay fine but I'm telling you he's fine.
Said loona.

(At the doctor's office in imp city)

A female doctor looked at some stuff that made Mike sneeze.  Well ma'am I looked at his results and he's not allergic to dog hair or hellhound hair.

But he sneezes everytime his mothers around and he's not sneezing now. Are you sure. Asked mayberry.

Well I looked at his results he's only allergic to a few things. Said the doctor.

Really what are they? Asked Mike.

Well there's acorns, polly flowers and coconut cream pie, oh and honey badgers but no canine hair.Said the doctor.

Than why am I sneezing so much. Asked  Mike.

Well I don't know but I recommend you watch this tonight maybe it will help you . Said the doctor.


Mike and mayberry are watching tv and guess who's on TV......garfield the cat but he's somehow a therapist.

Welcome to tonights show. I'm going to be telling you about how sneezing isn't caused by allergies or a cold but by suppressed anger. Said garfield.

Huh anger? But I'm not angry at mom Well not all the time. Said Mike.

You see when your angry at something or someone you can't just hold it in and sometimes it comes out as a sneeze. Said garfield.

That's ridiculous. Said mayberry.

Now you can either deal with your sneezing or get rid of whatever is making you angry. Said garfield.

I think that's enough tv tonight. Said mayberry as she turns off the tv.

Well dinner should be ready now I'll get it out of the oven. Said Mike.

Sweetie you know you don't have to do that I can easily take dinner out of the OH MY GOD! Said mayberry.

The kitchen was destroyed and loona had a knife with blood allover it. and the food was destroyed.

Loona what happend in here. Asked mayberry.

There was a fucking rat in here so I tried to kill it. Said loona.

Oh no the food. Than he started sneezing. Man I need to try something.
Said Mike.

Montage of mike and mayberry trying different cures.

1. Nose plugs, loona walks in and drinks her scotch then Mike sneezes.

2. Hot bath. Mike enjoys is and soaks up but loona walks in to do her make up and he starts sneezing again.

3. Heat lamp. Mike is bathing in the light but blitz decides to put popcorn on mikes lap and hit starts popping and mike is covered in popcorn.

Hold still I'm adding the melted butter.
Said blitz then loona came to see what happened.  Than Mike sneezes and says, That's it ..Achoo tomorrow morning morning I'm going to... achoo see that doctor on tvAchoo.

(Later on earth.)

Mike decided to visit doctor garfield to see what's wrong with him.

Now young man like I said in my show last night sometimes sneezing is caused by anger. Said garfield.

I know. Said Mike.

Now you say that your mother makes you sneeze can you tell me what she does. Asked garfield.

Well she sleeps eats plays on her phone and is a receptionist.  Said Mike.

Anything else. Asked garfield

Well she likes to torment my uncle moxxie or the mail man. Said mike.

Okay how did she mess with your uncle. Asked garfield.

How doesn't she Well yesterday she drank an invisible potion and triped him.  Said Mike.

Now you said she likes to mess with the mailman. Said garfield.

Everyday practically its like she waits for him then she chases him mostly with a baseball bat. Said mike.

Now does that make you mad. Asked garfield.

Kinda but I don't really get mad at her I almost did though, it happened at least 3 days ago. Hey mom I'm going to hang out with Gregory for a few hours please make sure nobody touches that blueberry i made for science class.

Okay hun. Said loona

Millie walked in and saw the blueberry and ate it.

(4  hours later).

Mike returned only to find Millie as a giant blueberry woman. And loona asleep on couch.

Ugh grunted Mike.

My project was basically Changing my aunt back to normal..
Said Mike.

So we're you mad at her. Asked garfield.

Only a little. said Mike.

Well all I can say is that your anger should be gone if you just relax and not worry about it.  Said garfield.


Hey son I wanted to give you a little something. Said loona as she handed Mike some flowers.

Oh mom thanks they're pretty looks like there's roses sunflowers, and ...and achoo...poppies . Said mike.

Yep They've been growing outside lately and just love to sleep in it and roll around . Said loona.

Wait you've been rolling in poppies a flower I'm allergic too. That's why I was sneezing.  Said Mike.

Yep sure have . Said loona.

Mike than walked out the screamed in frustration and anger.

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