YouTube society

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(Saturday morning)

Mike and loona were at octavias house hanging out with her. But became very boring very quick.

Hey via is there anything we can do around here. Asked loona.

Nope unfortunately we don't have anything. Said octavia.

But when Mike was at the bookshelves and looked at the book and found a very interesting spell.

Hey guys check this out guys I found a cool spell in stolas' book. Said mike.

Okay let's see what this spell can do. Said octavia. As she read the spell mikes eyes started turning green and he started floating in mid-air as the world around them started to change into space and stars.

What the fuck is happening octavia.  Said loona.

I don't know somethings happening to Mike. Said octavia.

Loona looks at Mike and sees him glitching like stich from his second movie and then passes out.

As that happened loona ran up to Mike and tried to wake him up but he was not waking up. Just than a door arrived out of knowhere and two security guards with the YouTube logo walked over to Mike and placed him in a stasis pod.

Hey you security looking Fuckers let my son go or I'll tear you to ribbons. Said loona.

Just as she tried to take them out they shocked loona and continued their job. Octavia helped loona up and followed them through the door and saw something they have never seen before.
A internet city kind like the one from Ralph breaks the internet.

Wow this is very fucking badass said loona.

Look i found Mike. Said octavia pointing to Mike who was getting escorted by those guards who are boarding a train.

As the got to the train they barely made it to the area where Mike was taken to and Octavia showed loona that this place was the internet and it showed a fanart of loona and octavia kissing eachother.

Okay that's disturbing but kinda hot. Said loona.

Okay now where are they taking Mike to? Said octavia.

Just as the train stopped Mike was escorted to some sorta government building with YouTubes logo on it. Than loona and octavia changed into there human forms and changed their clothes to blend in.

Fuck there's alot of guards with those blasters any idea to get pass them. Asked loona.

I have a way. Said octavia as she transformed into her demonic monster form and scared of the guards.

I didn't know you could do that and by the way that was fucking sweet. Said loona.

Well I am the daughter of stolas and stella goetia, I did inherit some of their features plus my mother's asskicking moves. Said octavia.

(Inside the building)

Mike was on a research table with scientists are looking at his DNA strans trying to figure out what he is.and how he functions.

Scientists 1" hey his DNA strans have trace of spiderman, transformer, and venom inside of it."

Any idea on what to do with him. Said Scientists 2.

Just as they discussed on what to do with him. Loona and octavia busted into the room and knocked out the guards and grabbed mike.

Is Mike breathing asked a worried octavia.

Yes he's breathing and sleeping well let's get him the fuck out of here.said loona.

Then more guards showed up and aimed guns at them both then the lights turned red. And a bird like monster came out and killed the guards and let out a horrifying screech towards the Scientists before eating them both.

Wait mom is that you. Asked octavia.

Wait what the shit. That's your mom. Said loona.

Stella than changed from Monster to her normal form.

Mom Wait how did you find us. Asked octavia.

Your father and I have our ways
Dear now are you kids alright. Said stella.

Yes mom were perfectly fine. Said octavia.


They just caught us of guard your highness I don't even know what happened. Said loona.

You too are very lucky that I'm in a good mood. And feeling very protective of the boy because if I wasn't I would turn you both into infant's for a month. Said stella.

Stella picked up Mike and cradled him like a baby and opened up the portal home.
Now let's go home where this cutie can sleep peacefully.

Then loona and octavia returned home and put Mike to sleep in bed and than they both passed out of exhaustion.

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