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"This is mad," Anna whispered to herself as the jeep she was in pulled up to the villa. "Thank you!" She said as her door was opened and she climbed out of the car. She straightened out her bikini and smiled widely at the brunette exiting another car beside her.

 She straightened out her bikini and smiled widely at the brunette exiting another car beside her

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"Hiya, how are you?" Anna greeted the girl with a tight hug. "You look stunning!"

"I'm good thanks! And girl look at you! I'm Lucinda."

"Lovely to meet you," Anna turned and looked back at the villa and grabbed Lucindas hand. "Shall we head in?"

"Oh 100%!" The girl squealed as they both began to strut through the front door. As they made it through the living room, Anna's nerves came up a notch, but as they stepped into the Majorcan sun the girl decided to just let go. 

"Hello boys!" Anna greeted loudly as her and Lucinda's heels hit the wood of the deck, seeing the boys scattered around the yard. Typically, they all yelled in excitement before approaching the two new girls. 

"These two are something else," Liam laughed and shook his head in the beach hut

"Hey girls, hows it going?" Jake greeted them both first, followed by Brad who was all too eager to see the new comers. 

"Hi there, Liam," Anna had to keep her mouth from dropping open as she took in the sight of the tall man in front of her.

"Hi, Anna," she raised on her tip toes to wrap her arms around his neck for a quick hug and cheek kiss. "Lovely to meet you." 

The girls then met Hugo, Toby and Aaron, before the boys led them to the day beds to get to know one another. 

"So rapid fire, how old are you, where are you from, and who's your top boy," Brad winked at the girls as Anna giggled. That type of attitude did nothing for Anna, but Lucinda was all for it. 

"Well, I'm 21, I'm from Brighton, and I haven't quite decided yet," Lucinda winked at the brunette as the boys hummed and looked towards Anna. 

" I'm 20, I'm from Cardiff, and I need to get to know you all before I make any claims like that."

Before anyone else could respond Liam jumped in "I am so glad to have some more Welsh representation in here!"

"Oh same, we never get enough time on TV," the girl laughed as the guys began to ask more questions. 

"I'm currently a student, but I also do some modeling and influencer work as well," Anna answered Hugo when he asked what she did for work. 

"What are you studying then?" Liam was intrigued by the girl in front of him. She was stunning of course, but she seemed so well mannered and held herself well for a 20 year old.

"Marine Biology and environmental policy," Anna beamed at the two boys as they looked a little shocked. 

"So we have a genius among us do we?" Hugo joked as the girl blushed.

"Nah, just growing up on the water, it was always my passion, and with my studies I'm learning to help protect the oceans. It's amazing." Both boys could see the passion with which the girl spoke of her schooling, it was honestly inspiring. 

"Oi, I got a text from the girls!" Jake yelled. "It's a selfie."

"Should we send one back," Brad laughed and suggested, shooting over to stand next to Lucinda as they gathered for a selfie. Anna shuffled over to stand by Hugo and shivered slightly when she felt a warm body slide up behind her, glancing up to meet Liam's gaze as he grinned down at her. 

"Alright, that should have them shaking in their boots," Aaron laughed as they settled back on the beds. "Are either of you not scared to shake things up in here?"

"I mean, I'm going to go for what I want to be honest," Lucinda grinned at the boys. 

"I agree, but I also think for me I would rather be as honest as possible with the girls if I think I have a connection instead of catching anyone unaware."

The boys agreed with their statements before asking some more questions of the girls. Eventually the group heard footsteps from the villa and were greeted by the other girls coming back. 

"Hello!" Anna got up first to approach the ladies. "So nice to meet all of you!"

The girls all Introduced themselves before Anna spoke again. "Would you girls like to go for a chat?"

"We came in and these girls are stunning, but then we have Anna over here who is literally an angel," Faye scoffed in the beach hut. "How am I supposed to hate her!"

"Honestly surprised that Anna was the one to pull them all and not the other way around," Jake thought out loud to the guys as they watched the girls approach the fire pit. 

"She seems quote mature for her age," Hugo commented.

"I think she will be the least troublesome member of this villa for sure," Liam laughed as he watched Anna sitting with the girls.

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