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The night started off with Jake and Liberty taking center stage to perform a rendition of "You're the One That I Want," from Grease

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The night started off with Jake and Liberty taking center stage to perform a rendition of "You're the One That I Want," from Grease. 

"You know, all that matters is that they had fun," Anna giggled in the beach hut.

Then came Chloe who did her own version of countdown, showing off her math skills. Then Teddy gave a wonderful rap about his summer. Mary did a tap dance routine, then Aaron and Toby did a little soccer routine and then came Anna's turn. She had someone been talked into singing by the producers. 

"Thank you to my fans for coming out tonight," Anna bowed to her fellow islanders. "I will be performing a true classic. A song for the generations. Arguably one of the top ten songs of all time." The islanders lost it as the opening tune came out. 

"you're insecure," Anna began, performing like the band was sitting in front of her. "don't know what for."

By the last chorus, the whole group was singing along with her, huge smiles on their faces. They clapped as she bowed, before returning to her seat. Tyler followed her with his art rendering of Kaz, and then cam Faye's roast. 

"Listen, god love the girl. She has no filter, she's always going to lay it all out there," Anna laughed in the beach hut.

Anna cheered as Liam got up to close it out, singing "It's not unusual."

"That Welsh accent just does things," Anna fanned her face. 

The group all cheered as Liam finished up, the brunette heading over to grab Anna and twirl her as the final notes played out. Faye gathered everyone for a selfie before they dispersed. "Love Island 2021!" Anna cheered as they all beamed to the camera. 

The group had a chilled out night, heading up to get ready for bed. Faye did pull Anna to talk about her chat with Liberty on the terrace. "Babe, it's up to you to accept that apology or not. You're hurt, and no one can fault you for that. I would probably feel that way too. But as long as you can be civil and handle it sans blow out," the girls both giggled a bit here. "I think it will all be fine." The two shared a hug, before heading to bed. 

"Isn't crazy that we will be home in a week?" Anna whispered to Liam after the lights turned out. 

"It really is," Liam agreed. "I can't wait to meet your family and for us to be able to be like a normal couple."

"Me too!" she buried her head in his neck, falling asleep to his heavy breaths. 

The next morning, the islanders were startled awake by the sound of crying babies. "Oh my god," Anna gasped. "It's the babies!" the girl jumped out of the bed, going to the living room where the babies were all laid out. "C'mon Liam!"

"You're looking like a proper MILF," Liam smirked, peering at Anna over his sunglasses as Anna patted the back of their baby. 

"Shut up," she muttered, smiling as she went to pull some clothes. 

"Meet our son," Anna and Liam sat side by side, their baby in Liam's arms. "Jack Owen Reardon, our little Welshman"  Anna leaned over with a smile to press the fake bottle to the baby's lips. "He's going to be a little heartbreaker like his daddy."

"Do you reckon Remi and Jac will be best mates," Anna asked Faye and Teddy as the two couples and their babies sat in the shade on the swings. 

"Yeah, bring him  over to ours and Anna and I can neck some wine together while they play," Faye deadpanned, the other three laughing at her disinterest. As Liam and Anna went on a little walk around the garden, Jack began to cry, prompting Liam to start singing. 

"Nope, if you start that I'm going inside," Anna went to take off but Liam latched onto her dragging her to a sofa. He gently set Jack down, before he pushed Anna down on the sofa, covering her with his body. 

"Liam no!" she squealed. "The baby is watching!"

"C'mon," Liam pressed kisses to her face. "Gotta get him used to it. No chance I will ever get to a point where I can keep my hands off of you."

"Even when we're old and wrinkly," Anna wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Even then," he murmured, leaning down to kiss her again. The couple was quickly interrupted by their little son wailing at their lack of attention. Shortly after, Anna made her way upstairs with the rest of the girls after kissing Jack's head.

The girls dressing room was quickly infiltrated by both Chloe and Faye's babies. Anna laughed as Faye tried to hid from little Remi, but ended up cradling him while she finished getting ready. The girls headed back downstairs, Anna making her way to the day bed where Liam was sat with Jack, sitting down for a cuddle. 

The two were talking about dogs (again) when they heard Toby yell out that he had a text. "Boys, its time for the girls to have some mother and baby time, whilst you head out of the villa for a break."

The girls all whined as the boys cheered, quickly getting ready and heading out. "Shall we do a little mommy and baby yoga class?" Anna gathered the girls in the grass, laying out for 30 minutes of stretching and semi relaxation. The girls then gathered on the day bed to chat in the shade. 

After Kaz pulling Marley's arm off, Faye showing  a little tough love to young Remi and accidentally dumping him out of his pram, the boys had returned. "He is really your mini me," Anna glared up at a smiling Liam. "Always on my nerves, but too cute for me to be mad at."

"Aw, your a good mummy," Liam cooed, leaning down to kiss Anna and taking Jack back. "Does this make you feel broody?" 

Anna looked at Liam rocking Jack. "Honestly yeah."

"Same," he smirked. "At least we can get some practice in."

"Liam!" Anna squeaked. "Little ears!"

Soon after, Kaz's phone pinged. "Islanders, your parenting challenge has now ended. The couple who has won todays challenge is Mary and Aaron. Anna and Liam, Kaz and Tyler, and Liberty and Jake have also passed today's challenge. Faye and Teddy, and Chloe and Toby, you have failed. AS more than half of you passed, you have won a party tonight.

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