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"Good morning Islanders," Anna yelled as she walked into the bedroom to head to the dressing room. She laughed when she saw them all sat up in their beds with sunglasses on. "You all look like you had a rough fucking night."

"And you are way too chipper for this early in the damn morning," Faye grumbled as she followed the girl to the dressing room. The two cheered when they came across Toby and Chloe leaving the hideaway, grinning at Chloe's embarassed smile. 

"Do you think they went all the way?" Anna asked Faye as the two were getting dressed. 

"I think they may have," Faye turned to the girl. "And what about you? What have you and Liam been getting up to outside by yourself?"

"Mate," Anna pushed air through her teeth. "The other night was honestly the hottest night of my life."

"Oh my god!" Faye squealed. "Did he slip you the finger?" She cackled as she saw Anna's grimace but then the girl nodded quickly. 

"My girl is all grown up," she yelled as she wrapped Anna in her arms. The other girls shooting them weird looks when they entered the dressing room to Anna trying to escape Faye's embrace. 


"So how was last night?" Anna asked Lucinda as the two girls tanned. 

"Well, Danny has been putting the moves on me," she laughed at the other girls 'thank god'. "But Aaron and I have been talking a lot and I do think theres something there."

"Aw Cinda," Anna cooed as the girl blushed. "You two would be lovely together. I must admit that I hated the way he treated Sharon, but maybe that isn't his actual character and he got caught up."

Lucinda nodded and the girls were interupted by Chloe's phone ringing. "Islanders, it's time to face your feelings as you play Snog, Marry, Pie." Anna ran inside to change swimsuits before joining the line up. 

"I know I'm getting pied at least once, so I didn't want to wear anything I cared about," Anna giggled. 

The boys started and Liam was the top of the batting order. He made his way to the girls and Anna couldn't decide if she would want him to snog her or marry her. Her decision was made when he quickly pecked Kaz. "Snogging but not snogging you because you are an amazing lass and I really hope the right boy comes in for you soon."

Anna cooed as the boy then approached her and got down on a knee. "So I'm going to be marrying my darling Anna because she is the kindest and most genuine girl. And I hope to keep learning more about her and growing our relationship."

"In the past I have been pretty closed off with girls," Liam admitted. "But Anna just brings out a different side of me, like I want to tell her how I feel and how much I do really like her."

The girls all awed as Liam slid a paper ring on Anna's finger and the girl leaned over to peck him quickly. 

"He is just so sweet sometimes I can't stand it," Anna giggled.

He then went on to pie Chloe. Next came Jake who also kissed Kaz. He then went on to marry Liberty to no ones surprise. 

"Those two are honestly goals," Anna clapped as Liam raised her eyebrow at her. 

"And what about us?" He asked indignantly as she waved her hand in dismissal at him.

He then went on to Pie AJ, as she had tried to put the moves on him even after he had said he was only interested in Lib. 

Toby came up next and started off by Snogging Chloe. He married Lucinda because she was Chloe's best mate and had supported them even in their rocky start. He then came up to pie Anna. 

"I feel like you have a lot of not so great feelings about me since you came into the villa, so I'm going to pie you in return," he laughed as he shoved the pie tin at her face. 

"I do feel bad about what he said," Anna admitted in the beach hut. "Like having the thing with him and Chloe happen right as I came in was definitely not a good first impression. Kaz is one of my best friends and I know she is cool with it so maybe I need to cut the boy some slack."

Next up was Danny and Anna prepared herself to get pied again. He snogged AJ, married Lucinda, and then made his way in front of her. "I am pieing you because I think you have rose colored glasses on and you're kind of a bitch."

The other islanders frowned at the boy as he aggressively threw the pie in her face. "Alright mate, try a little harder and you would've broken my nose," Anna wiped her eyes and tilted her head back to stop the little tears from forming. 

"He did shove that thing pretty hard in my face, but I can't say I wasn't expecting it," Anna shrugged.

"Oi mate relax," Liam called as he saw Anna prodding at her nose. 

"I don't think he tried to hurt her but the boy is just too aggressive," Liam frowned from the beach hut. 

The group tried to move on quickly to Teddy. He pecked Kaz and then married Faye which had Anna grinning madly. He then approached Anna with his pie as she gasped. 

"Please be gentle," she yelped as he came closer. 

"So you're like my little sister but you are Faye's partner in crime and I know at some point you will be getting her into trouble," he gently placed the pie on her face. 

"I definitely didn't want to pie her after Danny's performance, but it was too good of an opportunity so I half pied her," Teddy laughed from the beach hut.

Next came Hugo who snogged AJ and then came to marry Anna. "You are definitely one of my best mates in here and I feel like I would always be welcome on your couch," she laughed as he slid the ring onto her. He then went on to pie Faye for pieing him.

Last was Aaron who snogged Lucinda, married Kaz and pied Faye. 

Then it was the girls turn. Faye started off and pecked Hugo, married Teddy and pied Danny. "That was for being a prick."

Chloe followed and snogged Toby, married Hugo and pied Danny. "Same reason as Faye."

Kaz followed and snogged Hugo, married Aaron and pied Toby. 

"That's my girl!" Anna hyped from the beach hut.

Then it was Anna's turn. She pulled Liam down Into a cheeky snog before getting down on one knee in front of Teddy. "So I want to marry Liam but I also dont want to kiss any of you other tossers. I want to marry you because you make my main girl Faye very happy, and we could be going on all the double dates if we did a marriage circle." The islanders all laughed as she stood up. 

"It made a lot more sense in my head than when I said it," Anna shrugged.

Lastly, she approached Danny with a pie. "Because it took you too long to figure out the feelings I held for you, and because you almost broke my nose."

"Yeah it was quite satisfying rubbing that pie all over his annoying face," Anna laughed in the beach hut. 

Liberty followed, snogging Jake, marrying Aaron, and pieing Toby 'For her girl Kaz.'

AJ then snogged Hugo, married Danny and pied Liam. 

Lastly came Lucinda who snogged Aaron, married Hugo and pied Toby. 


alright friends I just watched tonights episode. 

*spolerz sry* good for millie im proud of her, liam can fuck off (not the liam of this book they are now two seperate beings), I think teddy and faye will get back together bc they acknowledge the mistakes they both made and that's mature in my opinion. and toby is a PSYCHO I cannot with him 

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