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That afternoon, the islanders were basking in the afternoon sun when Jake got a text. 

"Islanders, tonight we are treating you to a night at the pictures."

"So like, they're putting up a screen and we're watching a movie surely," Kaz looked to the girls sitting with her. 

"No way, theres more to it," Faye disagreed, Anna nodding along. 

"Probably going to be exposing some people," Anna guessed as the group got ready for the night.

"Probably going to be exposing some people," Anna guessed as the group got ready for the night

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The girls and boys sat at their tables, looking at the screen in front of them. "For some reason I'm nervous," Anna whispered to Abi as she eyed the title on the screen. 

"Me too hun," the girls linked hands as Mary and Jake both got a text. The girls got the question about the amount of people in the world who have sex every day, and got to choose the first clip. 

"Let's do 'Shes not all that'," the girls agreed as the producers queued it up

Anna's jaw dropped when the girls saw the footage roll of Jake talking about Liberty. She grabbed the blonde's thigh as they watched Jake talk about his lack of sexual attraction to his girlfriend. "You alright babe?" She asked as the clip ended, the girls all staring at the red boy sitting across from them. 

"Got to be don't I," she half heartedly smiled. "Like does that mean he doesn't think I'm fit?"

"That looks like its from early days Lib," Chloe tried to console her before the group got a text with the next question. The boys won, choosing to watch 'Fifty Shades of Faye'.

Anna grimaced as the clips rolled of Faye second guessing her connection with Teddy during Casa Amor, and the clip of her from the morning before talking about their differences. Faye was giggling but Anna could tell she was uncomfortable. 

"Said it on TV didn't I, it was going to end up out there at some point. Just gotta talk it through," Faye shrugged as Teddy looked on with an unreadable look. The next text came and the girls won, calling for 'Tinker Tyler Soldier Pie'.

The girls watched as Tyler and Clarisse's Casa moments were aired, Tyler seemingly initiating a lot of the conversations and moments than Kaz may have thought he did. 

The girls and guys both won the next quiz, and both groups got to choose a clip. They first watched 'the Fast and the Furious' the group laughing good naturedly at Chloe's description of her night with Toby. They followed with "Teddy Player One"

Anna could practically feel Faye's head blowing off as they watched Teddy's conversation with Clarisse about the sexual tension, and his 'I'm technically single' comment. "Faye keep your head right now," the girl warned as she patted the girls hand. 

"We'll see," Faye refused to look in Teddy's direction as Anna sighed. 

Next was another draw, and the boys chose 'Kaz T Way', the girls cracking up as they watched Kaz's asssited work out with Matt, and then their kiss. The girls then chose to watch 'Jake Escape.'

The girls watched as Jake egged the boys on, saying that if he and Lib weren't boyfriend and girlfriend, he would be on it. Anna raised an eyebrow as she watched Jake tell Liam he had a 'once in a lifetime opportunity' in Casa, and told him multiple times he was making a mistake by not putting in effort with the girls. Then came the clip of him hyping Teddy up to share a bed with Clarisse. And then another one, of Jake telling Liam he should give it a shot with Lillie. 

"Oh fuck off Jake," Faye rolled her eyes. The group watching as the final clip showed Jake congratulating Tyler on his moment with Clarisse. 

"You're all like sisters to me? I hope not," Faye looked to the other table. "If someone treated your sister like that you'd be livid."

"Do you really think this is all me?" Jake yelled back as the girls looked at him unimpressed. 

"It's literally your words from your mouth."

The last clip the girls won, and got to watch "Uncle Jake"

"Might as well finish with a bang," Liberty commented as they got ready to watch the finisher that clearly featured Jake as well. 

The boy popped up on the screen sitting with Lillie in Casa. 

"Yeah you really need to stick it on him," Jake told the blonde. "He thinks he and Anna have something serious, but no way."

Anna's eyes bugged out as she watched the boy encourage the blonde to chase after her boyfriend. 

"I think she's too much for him, and the whole Danny situation, she was just stringing him along. I think she's a bit of a bitch, and he just hasn't noticed but the rest of us have"

"What in the actual fuck," Anna and Faye echoed in unison. 

"She and Faye think they run the house, but I think you'd be so much better for Liam honestly."

Liam leaned back in his seat and sighed heavily, seeing Anna getting fired up at the other table.

"What is in his fucking water, has he gone mental?" Anna looked to Faye in total shock. "What he thinks we think we run the house because we speak up? Like fuck off. And the Danny comment? I'm ready to curb stomp him truthfully."

"Oh mate," Toby sighed as he saw the two girls getting heated at the other table.

The group turned to Abi as her phone rang. "Girls, you have won Mad movies."

"Doesn't feel like we've won much," Chloe frowned as the boys rose up and walked away. 

"look at them, scurrying like fucking ants," Faye scoffed as the girls walked to the swing. Faye continued to walk inside, shooting the middle finger at Teddy as she walked by. 

"Here we fucking go," Anna groaned as she followed her friend inside. "Faye, do not start this babe. Just give it a bit before you're ready to speak about it because right now you're fuming at more than him." 

Anna let Faye go in to cool off, sitting with the girls as they watched Faye come back out and ignore Teddy, before letting Dale pull her for a chat. 

"That's not going well," Anna sighed as she saw Faye getting loud and pointing. "I told her not to do this right now, she's too mad."

"C'mon babe, let's just go inside," Anna tried to grab the girl after she stormed away from Dale. 

"No, no I'm alright," the blonde waved her off. "Have you spoken with Liam?"

"Nope, he was upstairs with Jake and Toby," Anna rolled her eyes as Faye scoffed in agreement. The two girls walked over to the day bed to sit with some of the girls, chatting about the night. 

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