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"Good morning babe," Faye yawned, laughing softly as Anna groaned and rolled further into the duvet to block out the light in the bedroom. "How you feeling?"

"Honestly, more annoyed than pissed off now," she sighed and sat up, glancing over to see Liam had already gotten out of bed. "But I'll speak with him today. How are you feeling?"

"I'm still super upset," Faye watched as Teddy walked through the room, heading to the garden. "But I know I blew up at him, and I should have just let it go for the night instead of shouting."

"Good," Anna hummed as the two girls headed upstairs to get dressed. Heading back down, Anna saw Liam in the kitchen and decided to buck up and head over there. 

"Good morning," she greeted as she walked in and went to grab a mug to start her tea. 

"Here," he said softly, pushing a steeping mug in front of her. 

"Thank you," she smiled sweetly, walking around to sit on a stool while he made his toast. 

"Do you want to speak about it?" Liam asked the girl hesitantly, feeling relief when she nodded shortly. 

"One, I understand you may not like the way Faye is sometimes, but don't talk shit about her in front of me, because I'm going to defend her," Anna laid out for the boy. 

"Yeah, I was just in a mood and it was easy to talk about that rather than why you were angry with me," he nodded. "I want you to stick up for people, even if its to me, thats one of the best things about you."

"I'm sitting here mad with the boy, and then he comes up with stuff like that?" Anna asked incredulously in the beach hut. 

"My main issue, and the thing that upset me, was the Jake stuff," Anna crossed her arms. "It obviously is never nice to hear someone talk shit about your relationship to a person who literally wanted to get in between us. But, thats ok he has his opinion, and if you want to be all buddy after that, more power to you. The worst part is, is the things he said about me were very disrespectful and rude, and when Danny was being the same way you wanted to stick up for me, but when it comes to Jake its forgive and forget."

"You know, I do think I get why Anna's upset. Just mucked up a bit on my end," Liam frowned in the confessional.

"You're right," he nodded as he leaned into the counter to grab one of Anna's hands. "I think with the other situations last night, I was trying to just ignore the fact that those clips hurt you, and by doing that I've clearly fucked up even more."

"It's not okay, but it's not the end of the world," she trailed her fingers over his forearm. "At the end of the day, anytime anyone says something about you thats rude, I'm going to stick up for you. It doesn't matter if its my mum, my best mate, an internet troll, like I'm always going to have your back. And last night it felt like you didn't care anymore."

"Baby I'm sorry," Liam rounded the bar to tug the girl into his arms. "I'll go challenge him to fight right now if you want."

"No, it's over and done. And with the rest of his behavior, I'm fine to just never speak to him again. But I just want to feel like we're a team when it comes to people trying to fuck with us. And most of what he was doing wasn't just coming for me or you, he legitimately was encouraging a girl to get you to turn your head from me. And obviously I trust you, but I just don't trust or like him anymore."

"I get it babe," he looked down to where she had propped her chin on his chest. "I've got your back, even if last night it didn't seem like it." With that being said, he leaned down to press three kisses to her lips before the two headed off to a day bed. 


"You alright babe?" Anna asked later on that night when she entered the bedroom and saw Faye laying on the bed alone. 

"I just keep rotating between being furious and super sad," Faye sighed as Anna joined her and gave her a cuddle. "And between that I just want to eat."

"I think you're PMSing," Anna and Faye giggled. "Listen, it'll work out. Last night I literally wanted to end Liam where he stood and now I'm chilling."

"That's because you and Liam are all loved up again, me, I just don't even know if I want to be loved up by anyone." Anna grimaced as Teddy walked through the bedroom not a minute later. 

"Do you think he heard that," Faye groaned as Anna shook her head. The blonde was getting ready to speak again when Liam opened the door. 

"You ready for bed?" Liam asked his girl from her very comfy spot on the bed. 

"I suppose so," she sighed and went to sit up but squealed when Liam plucked her off the bed and carried her bridal style to the dressing room. He had asked to try to remove her makeup with one of the wipes, and he was concentrating on her mascara when Teddy and Faye walked through the room to head to the terrace. 

"Thank God," Anna whispered as she hoped the two could work it out. 

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