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Waking up in Liam's arms had absolutely made Anna a morning person. "Good morning," she mumbled as she turned over to bury her head in his chest after the lights turned on. 

"Morning," Liam's raspy voice greeted as he tangled his hand in her hair, giving her a little scalp massage. "Sleep well?"

"Best sleep I've had in ages," she placed a kiss on his bare chest before sitting up and grabbing her water. "You literally put off heat like your a heater."

"Yeah, I run a little hot," Liam winked as Anna rolled her eyes at his pun. 

"I am leaving this bed now that you've said that," she stood up, squealing when Liam leant up and yanked her back down to where she was sitting in his lap.

"Not without a kiss, c'mon," Liam puckered his lips as she giggled, leaning down to peck him twice before getting up to get ready.


"Has he pulled you yet?" Liam asked Anna as they laid on the day bed, the both of them watching Teddy make his rounds. 

"Nah, I wouldn't be surprised if he didnt," Anna commented. 

"Don't get me wrong, he's an attractive boy," Anna said in the beach hut. "But I haven't felt anything past a friendship connection with him."

"He definitely will," Liam remarked. "He would be stupid not to."

"I think it would be a moot point, I have a Welsh bricklayer, what else could I need," Anna smiled at Liam sweetly as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her forehead in for a kiss. Eventually Teddy did in fact ask Anna for a chat. 

"So how are things going?" Anna asked the boy in front of her. 

"Definitely super nerve-racking, but it's been nice getting to know everyone," Teddy didn't think the girl in front of him held any fancy for him, but he could always use another friend to get insider info from. 

"Do you have your eyes set on any particular girl?" She smiled knowingly as his grin turned blinding. 

"I have some ideas of girls I may like to couple up with, but I'm trying to keep it close to the chest," he grinned as she rolled her eyes at him. The two chatted about her schooling and his job before Hugo's yell interrupted them. 

"I've got a text," the islanders gathered around him. "Islanders, tonight there will be a recoupling. It is boys choice tonight, and the girl left single will be leaving the island."

"Honestly, I'm pretty pumped that I may be getting to share a bed with Liam if things go well," Anna commented from the confessional.


"Well look at you!" Liam yelled as Anna walked into the garden.

"This woman is so fit, like my mind is blown everytime," Liam threw his head back against the couch in the beach hut

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"This woman is so fit, like my mind is blown everytime," Liam threw his head back against the couch in the beach hut. 

"Stop it," Anna cried when Liam's comment had the other islanders focusing on her. "You're embarrassing me," she pouted as he pulled her into his side where the others were mixing drinks. 

"Get used to it darling," he grinned down at her as he led her to the swing, tucking into the corner with her cuddled into his side. 

"Are you normally like that in relationships?" Anna asked. "Like complimentary and stuff."

"Oh 100%," Liam wrapped his arm around her waist. "I want to make you feel like a queen every day."

"Do you know what your love language is?" Anna questions as she tangled her fingers with his. 

"Yeah, words of affirmation and quality time," Liam revealed. "What are yours?"

"Mine are Physical touch and words of affirmation," she grinned at him. 

"So are you into PDA?" he wiggled his eyebrows at her as she giggled. 

"Not necessarily, like I don't want to be making out in front of people. But like a hand hold or an arm on the shoulder or waist just makes me feel all fuzzy inside," She laughed as he pulled her further into his side. 

"And how does the words of affirmation side work with you? For me, I enjoy being able to compliment my girl but also be able to hear that she feels confident in me and us and stuff."

"Yeah, I'm the same. In the past boys have found me clingy because I like reassurance like I want to be told you like where our relationship is or you like that I make your tea in the mornings, things like that."

"Well it seems we mesh well together," Liam leaned down to peck her but they were interrupted by Jake shouting that he had a text to gather at the fire pit. 

The boys sat around the couch with the girls stood in front of them. Anna was stood between Faye and Kaz, and she knew both girls could be at risk depending on who Teddy chose. Jake got to choose first, and Liberty lit up the villa with her smile when he chose her. 

Next, Liam's phone rang. "So, I would like to couple up with this girl because we just bounce off of each other. She is so kind, and from what I have seen so far, I can see her as a girl I could go the long haul with. I am looking forward to continuing to get to know her and learning more about us as a potential couple. The girl I would like to couple up with is,


"He knows how to make a girl blush doesnt he," Anna covered her flaming cheeks with her hands in the beach hut. 

Anna hugged both Faye and Kaz before walking over to where Liam was standing, brushing a brief peck on his lips before they sat with her tucked into his side, his arm around her waist and resting on her thigh. "That was lovely," Anna whispered to him, making him wink at her as they focused on their friends. 

Toby chose Chloe, which Anna could tell had Kaz refraining from an eye roll. Next was Brad, who chose Lucinda. 

"I love Lucinda, she is my day one, but Brad is just quite weird," Anna commented in the beach hut. "Like he grafted hard and used Rachel to stay in, and now she may have to home because hes done with her."

Next came Aaron, who gave a lovely speech before choosing Kaz. Anna squeezed Liam's leg in excitement as Kaz hugged Aaron before sitting back down with him. Then came Hugo who was a wild card considering he had no real romantic connections at the moment. He shocked some of the islanders by choosing Sharon. 

Lastly, the islanders watched as Teddy stood to make his decision. 

"I want to couple up with this girl, because she is not only stunning, but I think she has a lot of things going on behind her tough exterior. I want to spend some time getting to know her and trying to bring those walls down. So the girl I would like to couple up with, is 


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