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Half of you already saw this but here it is lols


"Are you packing him something of yours?" Anna asked Faye as they packed bags for the boys. 

"I'm sending him my teddy," the normally vibrant girl admitted quietly. 

"Faye you gotta believe in him a little bit for this not to drive you mad," Anna frowned at her friend who nodded.

"Are you going to send Liam anything?"

"I have this necklace that my nan gave me when I turned 18," Anna fiddled with the gold chain around her neck. The pendant was a gold Carolingian cross. 

"My nan gave this to me, and it's meant to symbolize unity and balance, as well as an eternal God," Anna explained. "I've worn it ever since. I am terrified that by sending it to Liam, he'll lose it, but I hope it shows him how serious I am taking this time apart."


"So out of you, who is going to be willing to get to know us?" Clarisse asked the boys as they sat around the fire pit. 

"Yeah I think I'm definitely interested in having a chat with you all," Toby nodded with a grin, Tyler echoing his agreement. 

"To no one's surprise I'm also here to get to know you girls as well," Hugo smiled. 

"None of you three?" Lillie asked the quiet Teddy, Liam and Jake. 

"Nah, Lib and I are dating so none of that for me," Jake shrugged.

"Anna and I have a good thing going and no offense to you lot but I'm not quite willing to give that up," Liam nodded, Teddy agreeing with the younger boy. 

"These boys are letting what's happening at the other villa mess with their brains," Jake shook his head in the beach hut. "They're going to regret it."


"Hello, how are we?" Anna greeted as the six new boys joined them in the villa. The group went around introducing themselves, before heading for the fire pit. 

"So how is you all's couples right now?" Dale asked.

"I think I may be the only single one here," Chloe laughed. 

"Surely not," Sam frowned while the other girls shrugged. 

"You all are confident in your boys?" Dale questioned. 

"For me it's about staying true to myself, and with where Liam and I were just this morning, in the real world doing anything would be me being unfaithful and that is not me."

The boys shrugged, continuing to ask the girls questions.


"So where are you boys sleeping?" Hugo asked Teddy, Liam and Jake.

"Won't be the first time I've slept on a sofa," Liam laughed as the other two agreed.

"For me I know sharing a bed may not be the end of the world, but here I have to think about Anna and to her I don't think that would seem like the move of someone who wants to be with her," Liam discussed in the beach hut.

"Boys," Jake began. "I think you're making a big mistake. The two of you don't have labels like me. What is there really stopping you from getting to know the birds?"

"I'll speak with the girls sure. But I won't be entertaining anything past that," Liam shrugged as Teddy laughed.

"This is a once in a lifetime opportunity man, I just don't want you to regret it," Jake got up to grab his suitcase.

"Well I have a once in a lifetime girl waiting for me in the villa, and I'm not fucking that up," Liam followed suit to grab his own suitcase.

"Faye's sent me her Teddy," Teddy grinned to Liam as he opened his bag. "And she's also taken out my cologne."

"That's the Faye we know and love," Liam chuckled in the beach hut.

Liam watched as Jake pulled out Liberty's bra and Tyler pulled out Kaz's bathing suit and robe. He then went into his own bag, seeing a sock on top oh his shirts. He picked it up and felt the weight of it, dumping it over and shocked when a chain fell out.

"Anna's sent me the chain her nan gave her," Liam revealed to Teddy quietly.

"Yeah, I know Anna sees that necklace as very important. So the fact that she sent that for me has made me even more firm on not entertaining these girls," Liam hugged a pillow.


Later that night Amy asked the boys and new girls if they wanted to play Truth or dare.

"I'll play but I'm taking truth everytime," Liam laughed.

"Teddy, Truth or Dare?" Mary asked.


"I dare you to kiss Clarisse," the blonde grinned.

"Sorry darling, you can have a kiss on the cheek," Teddy shrugged as he pecked the girls cheek. "Not going to be kissing outside of a challenge, sorry girls."

"It's just not worth it," Teddy shook his head. "Like I'm not going to go back to the villa and have to tell Faye that I kissed a girl and it wasn't even to win a game. That girl scares me."

"Liam, Truth or Dare?"


"What is one thing you wish you could change about your relationship with Anna?" Lillie asked.

"Wish she was already my girlfriend, don't I," Liam grinned as the boys yelled.

"I think these girls are going to try to get us to think our thoughts being with the main Villa aren't worth it," Liam admitted.

"I think Faye would be quite chuffed to see you doge that kiss mate," Liam laughed with Teddy as the boys all gathered around the fire pit. 

"Yeah, like in a challenge is one thing but just for a random game of truth and dare, I just didn't think it was worth it," Teddy shrugged.


"How you feeling?" Faye asked Anna as the two headed for the swing.

"I'm definitely missing him, and worried, but I'm just going to trust that what he has said to me is real," Anna sipped her drink. "How about you? Missing your boy?"

"Yeah I think I am," Faye admitted. "Like opening up to him before he left was such a big deal to me. I am just hoping he doesn't fuck it up."


*sry yall im toning down the teddy and faye drama honestly because I don't feel like writing about it*

*also I just watched the most recent ep and I did cry hehehe, thoughts? how do you think the family day will go? I hope millies family give Liam a talking to, and im interested to see how Faye and Teddys familys will be too.... I think those will be the interesting ones!!*

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