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"I kind of miss him," Anna pouted, leaning into Liam's chest later that night after the group had cheersed and got their dance on for a bit. 

"I do too," Liam laughed. "You would be a good mum though."

"You think so?" Anna asked in wonder. 

"Of course you would," Liam reassured. "You would be so good with some little ones."

"Liam stop it, that was cute," Anna giggled as she buried her head in Liam's shoulder. "you would be a good dad too. I would probably have to be the bad cop." The two were cut off by Faye yelling that she got a text. 

"Islanders, please gather around the firepit immediately," she read out. Liam pressed a kiss to Anna's forehead before standing up and heading to the area. The islanders all sat around the firepit, until Kaz' phone rang, reading out that all of the couples had to stand up. Liam kept his arm tight around Anna's waist, her head leaning on his shoulder as they waited with bated breath. 

"The public have been voting for their favorite couple," Kaz read. "The couple with the fewest votes will be dumped from the island tonight."

"The safe couples will now be revealed in no particular order," Mary read out. 

"The first couple saved by the public is," Anna read. "Chloe and Toby." She beamed at the couple as the hugged tightly before taking a seat. 

"The second couple safe is," Teddy read off. "Anna and Liam."

"I love you," Anna whispered as Liam hugged her tightly. The two sitting and sharing a kiss before Aaron's phone rang.

"The third couple safe is Liberty and Jake."

Toby read off next. "The fourth couple safe is Faye and Teddy."  Anna frowned as she looked at the remaining couples, as Liam's phone rang.

"Only one couple is safe. The other couple will be dumped from the island," Liam read out. 

"The final couple saved by the public is," Liberty spoke. "Kaz and Tyler."

Anna awwed as she watched Aaron and Mary hug. She went over to hug the blonde tightly. The whole group headed inside to help the two pack. 

"At least it's only a few days," Mary said as she filled her suitcase. 

"We will definitley see you soon," Anna hugged the girl again in the dressing room before they headed downstairs where Aaron and the boys were waiting. "That was so sad," Anna frowned with tears in her eyes as the couple left the villa.

"Aw baby," Liam frowned, pulling her into his arms and rubbing her back. When she was able to calm down, she wiped her face and grabbed Faye's extended hand, heading upstairs to get ready for bed. She made her way into her shared bed with Liam, propping herself up on his chest. 

"It's mad we're here isn't it," Liam whispered as the lights turned off. "Like we're close to the end."

"I know," she spoke back, cuddling into his side. "At this point, it would be ok if we were sent home. Because I found you, and like, I was never in this to win, I was in it to fall in love. And I have."

"I love you," Liam leaned down to kiss her softly, before the two settled in for sleep. 

Everyone woke up slowly the next day, while Anna swung herself up to lay on Liam's body. "Happy birthday baby," she said with a sweet smile when his eyes blinked open slowly. 

"Thank you darling," her lips met his, exchanging several pecks with his hand landing on her bum. 

"Happy birthday Liam!" Chloe called out as she rolled over, causing Anna to roll off of the boys body and let him sit up as the other islanders echoed their greetings. Not long after, Faye got a text for her and Teddy's final date. The girls went upstairs to help her get ready, and after sending the couple off, Kaz, Anna, Chloe and Liberty headed to the terrace. 

"It's crazy how quiet its getting," Liberty commented as the girls sat down. 

"I know, and like we've had the first final date? Thats mad," Chloe pointed out. 

"What if he asks her to be his girlfriend?" Anna gasped lightly, all the other girls agreeing that was a possibility before their chat wound down and they headed inside to get ready for the day. "I'm gonna go downstairs and cook him some brekkie," Anna headed downstairs. 

The girl made her way around the kitchen, cooking some pancakes. She left the girls to help serve while she went to get the birthday boy. "C'mon big boy," she stood waiting for him as he left the boys and joined her. "Hope you're hungry!"

"Are you on the menu?" He smirked, laughing as Anna wacked him. "You're looking amazing this morning.". The two sat down, Liam's eyes stuck on Anna's body until the food was sat in front of him and his attention shifted. 

"shall we do a toast?" Liam asked before he picked up his utensils. 

"Yeah," Anna grabbed her orange juice as Liam followed. "Cheers to another amazing year of you. I hope you get everything you wish for, and I really hope I get to be with you and see all the amazing things you do." She leaned in to place a sweet kiss to his lips before they took their first sip and bite of food. 

"Is it alright?" Anna watched as he chewed slowly. 

"It's perfect babe," he patted her thigh, kissing her again before turning back to his plate. The couple finished up their breakfast, Liam thanking Anna three more times before he headed upstairs to change and Anna went to clean up the kitchen. 

The couples lazed around for the morning, most of them hypothesizing what their final date would be. "I feel like ours could be anything really," Anna spoke to Liam where they were cuddling on a day bed. "Like we're easy."

"Yeah true."

The couple were brought out of their little bubble hearing Teddy and Faye yelling their greetings. The group got up to welcome them back before splitting up to hear about their date. Anna held back a coo as she listened to Faye talk about the pool they went in, and then how Teddy asked Faye to be his girlfriend.

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