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"Do you not want to go speak?" Teddy asked a still fuming Faye in the kitchen.

"Not really," she shrugged.

"So you'll speak to everyone else about it but not me?" Teddy asked in frustration.

"If I want to speak with other people about it I can!" she shouted back.

"But its our problem," Teddy tried to reason with the girl

"Listen both of you are heated, maybe its best to let it lie for tonight," Anna tried to intervene as everyone just sat and watched as the two went at each other.

"Faye!" the girl yelled, finally getting the girls attention. "Either walk away, or go speak about it privately."

"Anna don't get started-" Faye tried to wave off her friend.

"Ah,ah," she shook her head. "You don't want to talk about it, then walk away. But if you do, it needs to between the two of you without the peanut gallery."

Teddy walked off and Faye huffed before sitting down again. 

"Babe, you need to sleep on it. You are too angry right now to have any sort of conversation about it," Anna advised the blonde. 

"I know but every time he comes up I get ready to go again," she shook her head. 

"Just walk away for the rest of the night ok? Walk to me I don't care," Anna rubbed her back. The girl eventually calmed down enough to head off to speak with Teddy. It ended quickly, Faye heading back to her seat by Anna. 

"It's done," the blonde announced to everyone's shock. 

"Faye," Anna sighed. 

"No really, if I never speak to him again, thats cool," she shrugged. 

"I have gotten to know Faye very well the past few weeks, and I know she is just talking shit right now. She is just very hurt and overreacted, but she is just hurt," Anna frowned sadly in the confessional.

The girls headed inside finally to get dressed for bed. "Tonight was mad," Abi said softly to Anna as the girls descended the stairs in their pajamas. 

"Agreed babes," she nodded, looking off to the living room. "I'll see you in there." She walked over to see a lump on the dog house bed. 

"Knock knock," she said lightly as she sat on the bed, smiling at Teddy when he poked his head out. "How you doing?"

"Shit," he sighed as he pulled off his sunglasses. "I just don't even understand the issue from the video clips."

"Let me try," she sighed. "Did you ever tell Faye you had felt attracted to any of the Casa girls past like a passing thought."

"No but-"

"Teddy," she chided softly. "She feels like you hid the things that you felt in Casa. It seems like you wanted to share a bed with Clarisse and you found her attractive, but Faye just was never to know."

"That's not how it was though," he groaned. 

"Ok, so tomorrow or whenever, try to have a conversation about it again. She feels misled, and I'll be honest if I saw a clip like that with Liam, I would be fuming too."

"I just didn't like the way she spoke to me either," he sighed. 

"And you shouldn't, she blew her lid. But a tip for the future, if a girl is pissed and says she doesn't want to speak to you at that moment, I would run," Anna grinned. "It'll all work out how it should Teddy, just get some sleep." The two shared their handshake before Anna headed into the main bedroom. 

She stopped to pat Faye's leg, before heading to her own bed where Liam was waiting. 

"Barely saw you all night," he commented as she got under the duvet. 

"Yeah, Faye needed me. Sorry baby," she leaned over to kiss him before going back onto her pillow. 

"I couldn't be assed with all that," Liam rolled his eyes as Anna arched a brow. "All the yelling when he didn't do anything wrong."

"Oh Liam babe, just be happy that wasn't you," she laughed sarcastically. "You would've been dead."

"I just think you should've not gotten involved," Liam sighed. 

"Would you have rather me had a go at Jake? Because that was the only other option, even though you were still all buddy buddy with him tonight."

"Well-" he cut himself off at the look on her face. "At the end of the day, nothing happened with Lillie so what does it matter."

"It matters that your best mate was encouraging a girl to go after you when you had no interest, basically said our relationship is fake and doesn't work, and then talked shit about me, and you can't even find it in yourself to be a little bit angry?" Anna sat up and looked at him in shock. 

"I don't know babe. Can we just go to sleep?"

"I think I'm going to go sleep with Faye," she threw back the covers. "Can't be assed with all this," she parroted back at him. She stood up and most of the islanders watched as she walked to Faye's bed and climbed in. 

"Whats happened?" the girl lifted her eyes mask as Anna cuddled in. 

"He basically was like why would you be mad at Jake, and I was like are you mad?" Faye raised her brows, asking the girl if she wanted to talk more, and Anna shook her head as the lights turned off. 

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