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"alright girls, how was everyone's night?" Chloe led the charge as the girls all sat on the balcony with their coffees the next morning. 

"Well, we know Chloe had a banging night," Liberty laughed as Chloe grinned. "I woke up and their bed was just broken."

"Honestly, I'm surprised we haven't broken more of them beds mate," Anna laughed to the girls. 

"Any more graduations last night?" Priya looked around the group, no one surprised when Chloe threw her hand up. 

"When Chloe does it I do it," Faye laughed as she raised her hand as well. "I'm just in a new era of sexual tension, like I want to have sex all the time?"

"I feel that," Anna agreed, the girls then turning to her. 

"Any graduation for you Anna," Kaz asked. 

"Not for me babe," she shook her head. "But what about you?

The girls chatted for a little longer before heading inside to get ready for the day. 

"How did you feel after the challenge last night?" Chloe asked Anna as she joined the blonde and Liberty on the day bed after eating some breakfast

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"How did you feel after the challenge last night?" Chloe asked Anna as she joined the blonde and Liberty on the day bed after eating some breakfast. 

"Really good yeah. Like Liam had me feeling very hot and bothered," the girls laughed. "But after, we were just sitting there being cuddly and stuff. And we both almost said we loved each other."

"Aw," Chloe cooed as Anna put her hand over her blushing cheeks. "That's freaking cute."

"Yeah, like I know that's where I'm at but I just am waiting for the right moment I guess," Anna explained, the girls quickly interrupted by Chloe's phone ringing. 

"Islanders," she yelled out. "It's time to find out what the public think of you and your couple. If you guess their opinions correctly, you can win a party tonight! #keepingupappearances #poleposition." The group all got rowdy before heading to the grassy area where Priya and Brett were hosting the challenges. 

"Ok, first is the top three most argumentative couples." They quickly put Faye and Teddy first, then Chloe and Toby, and then Tyler and Kaz. "So the public said the top three most argumentative couples are Chloe and Toby third, Kaz and Tyler second, and first we have Faye and Teddy."

The group clapped as the couples joined the lines again. "Next is top three hottest," Priya grinned. 

"This is hard," Anna looked around. "We're all bleeding hot. I reckon Faye and Teddy or Aaron and Mary got to be up there."

"Anna and Liam are on there, thats a fact," Faye shoved her mate out of line. 

"I think they're one," Chloe called out as Liam dragged Anna over. Mary and Aaron, and Kaz and Tyler joined them. 

"Babe we're in crocs," Faye pointed out to a pouting Teddy. 

"Oi, I think the crocs mean you should be up here anymore," Anna called out, the group laughing as Priya went to read the ranking. 

"Third we have Faye and Teddy," the group groaned to get one wrong. "Then second, we have Kaz and Tyler. And first place goes to Anna and Liam!" Liam lifted Anna off her feet while the group cheered. 

"Next is the top three most one sided relationships."

The group awkwardly looked around, Tyler calling out "does anyone want to put themselves forward?"

"I reckon we'd be on it," Jake said as he moved he and Lib forward. Anna winced internally as she and Faye locked eyes with a look. 

"I think casa is playing in this, so I think Kaz and Tyler up there too, and me and Toby," Chloe led. "Even though we don't think it, this is the public we need to remember."

"In third as most one sided, we have Kaz and Tyler. Second place is Faye and Teddy. First, is Liberty and Jake," the group went a little silent as they watched Jake and Lib head back up to the pedestals. 

"Next, we have the top three most intelligent couples."

"We are up there," Chloe insisted pointing to Toby. "We've got degrees."

"I reckon Anna is carrying her and Liam up there," Faye pointed out as they all debated. They ended up putting Brett and Priya, Teddy and Faye, and Jake and Lib.

"Ok, in third place is Kaz and Tyler. Second, we have Anna and Liam. In first place we have Priya and Brett."

"Next we have the top three most genuine couples," Priya looked at her fellow islanders. 

"I think me and Tobes, Anna and Liam, Faye and teddy," Chloe listed off. 

"Lib and Jake?" Tyler looked at the couple. 

"I mean I think we're genuine, but this is from the public." They ended putting Anna and Liam at one, Chloe and Toby second and Faye and Teddy third.

"Ok in third we have Faye and Teddy. In second, Chloe and Toby, and in first we have Anna and Liam!"

"Clean sweep!" Tyler yelled as everyone cheered. 

"Gimme some," Liam leaned down to kiss Anna with a grin. 

"It's obviously nice to hear the public thinks we're genuine," Anna spoke from Liam's lap. "We are very open with our emotions and feelings, and it is real so it's nice to feel like that's coming across." The couple smiled softly, leaning in for another kiss.

"Now we have the top three funniest couples."

"We're all funny as fuck alright," Liam commented, the group laughing. 

"Chloe and Toby have to be there," Anna agreed as the couple headed up. Anna and Liam and Lib and Jake were also tapped in. 

"In third place, we have Lib and Jake. Second, is Anna and Liam. And first place is Chloe and Toby!"

"This one is spicy," Priya warned. "The first three couples to split after leaving the villa."

"That is brutal," Anna shook her head. 

"I think me and Brett," Priya put them forward.

"Maybe Faye and Teddy based on the fireworks? Jake and Lib based on the other opinions?"

They locked in Brett and Priya, Kaz and Tyler, and Jake and Lib. "Ok third we have Faye and Teddy. Second is Kaz and Tyler, and first is Jake and Lib." That one definitely put a little cloud over the group, but that was the end of it. 

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