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Anna had always been a nervous flyer. The post covid restrictions didn't help, wearing masks and the fear of the virus weighing on her mind even as she sat with some of her new best friends on a plane back from Mallorca. 

"Excited to see your family then?" Teddy asked Anna and Liam as the group was waiting for their bags. 

"I'm not sure when I'll see my brothers as they're still up north," Anna shrugged. "But I think my parents will stay here in London for a few days now that we're out." The final four couples had all been asked by ITV to spend a few days in the city to get some post show media and other things done, and then they were free.

Anna smiled at Liam as he grabbed her bag off the carousel, grabbing the handle so the two could walk hand in hand behind their fellow islanders as they headed out to the pick up lanes. the group were all aware of the few media people taking their photos, but they focused on getting out of the airport. 

Anna beamed under her mask as she finally caught a glimpse of her parents along with Donna and Paul waiting for them. As the two moved that way, Anna drew to a sudden stop, her eyes watering as she caught a glimpse of all three of her brothers with her parents. "Shut up!" she squealed, leaving her bag with Liam as she sprinted to jump into her older brother's open arms. 

The twins wrapped their arms around her tightly, both laughing in her ears as they felt her tears on their shirts. Daniel wrapped his own arms around her from the back, joining in on the fun. "I didn't think I'd see you guys," Anna pulled back, wiping her eyes and wrapping her arms around her little brother who towered over her. 

"Did you really think we'd pass up this opportunity?" Lewis scoffed as Rhys shook his head in agreement.

"I can't believe you won love island," Daniel laughed as Anna turned to hug their parents. "Like, we thought you'd last a week."

"Rude," Anna gasped as she felt arms come around her from behind. Tilting her head up and seeing a beard she grinned and turned to her brothers. "Boys, this is Liam." Liam let go of her to extend his hand to Lewis. "Liam, these are my older brothers-"

"Lewis and Rhys?" Liam questioned, knowing he probably had gotten them mixed up.

"We'll put that one off to beginners luck," Rhys laughed as he took Liam's hand next. 

"And you must be Daniel," Liam turned to her youngest brother. "Nice to meet you guys. I have heard a lot."

"Yeah well, we'll be having a chat later," Rhys deadpanned as he reached forward to grab Anna's bag, yelling in faux outrage as she leapt forward to pinch him.


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liked by loveisland, fayewinter, and 792,320 others

annad hi guys- sorry for the silence these first few days out of the villa. it was important for me to take some time to decompress after getting back to london, and then back home. here are some updates from the past few days! my brothers surprised me in london (yeah I cried, don't ask), liam and i got to spend time with our family together and eat a lot of good food and drink some great coffee. 

I don't know how to thank everyone for their support this summer. ive seen so many kind words and messages, and even gotten to speak in person with some of you. I know Liam and I wouldn't be here without you all, so thank you. now it's time to figure out life again! 


fayewinter I miss you already

liamreardon love you babe

user you were my winner from day one!

libertypoole can't wait to see you pretty!


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liked by chloeburrows, loveisland, itv, and 883, 239 others

liamreardon what a summer it's been! spent the first few days out with mine and Anna's family. Now we're tired and happy, heading back to Wales for a bit. I know we are both so thankful for every person whose showed us love in this journey. I am so lucky to have this woman by my side, and I can't wait to see what's next in store.


annad will you get me a coffee

rhysd ^ and so the neediness begins


Murad Merali's youtube intro queued up before the screen showed the love island personality. "Alright guys, I think this is probably one interview you all have begged for. I teased it a bit on my instagram, and some of you got this weeks guests correct. But let me introduce last years love island winners, Anna and Liam."

"Hi guys!" the couple greeted from the couch.

"Ok, so it's been about 6 months since the villa, what are you guys up to?" Murad looked at the two, Liam gesturing for Anna to talk first. 

"So obviously I'm finishing up my last year of school," the brunette spoke into the microphone. "The last few months have been absolutely crazy. But we're still here and it's honestly been such a whirlwind. I think school has kind of kept me grounded."

"Yeah, I've almost been a trophy husband," Liam said, cracking all three of them up. "Like Anna goes to school every day and I'm organizing our interviews and stuff and working on content and things. It hasn't quite slowed down enough for me to go back to work yet."

"That's understandable," Murad nodded. "Anna, you graduate in a month or two, any plans for after school?"

"I've actually been in contact with a lot of foundations and organizations that want me to work with them in the ocean conservation space," Anna beamed. "Some are just looking for a spokesperson, but others actually want me to work with them and use my degree for good and help advance progressive ocean conservation policy."

"That is just awesome," Murad shook his head. "Not to be rude, but I remember when you were in the villa, and some people thought you were showboating with your love of the ocean and things, but you can just hear your passion for it in your voice."

"Thank you," Anna smiled softly.

"So what's next for you guys? Any big projects coming up?" he looked at the couple.

"So I actually just bought a little cottage on the water," Liam revealed. "So that's going to start taking up a lot of my time. It needs a lot of TLC but I want to do it on my own with some help from our families and things. So that's the next big one."

"Oh wow,  congratulations!" Murad grinned. "Anna, you gonna whip out a hammer with him?"

"I'll bring him tea," Anna laughed. "Nah, I'll help however he wants, but I'm excited to decorate and things."

"So will you be living there?" Murad took advantage of her slip.

Anna laughed, shrugging at Liam, the boy leaning forward. "Yeah, she'll be paying rent. She couldn't stay at the uni housing anymore."


The next chapter will have some insta fun and time jumps and all the good ish.

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