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After returning to the villa, Anna joined Faye, Kaz, Liberty and Rachel for a chat. Naturally the girls were talking about Chloe and Tobys snog. 

"The fact she chose him at all and hasn't spoken a word to you about it?" Liberty commented incredulously. 

"Listen, she chose him whatever, but the fact she snogged him? She could've gone for the cheek or anything but she went full on," Kaz ranted. 

"Yeah, that was definitley shocking," Anna agreed. In her mind, that challenge just showed the true cracks Love Island could cause. 

"In other news, can we talk about Anna and Liam?" Liberty tried to redirect the conversation when she saw Kaz getting upset. 

"Oh mate, I saw stars," Anna fanned her face as the girls squealed. 

"That kiss made me get more fanny flutters than the actual kisses I had with him," Faye cackled. 

"Faye I think you and I should just couple up and win it," Anna giggled as she teasingly sat on Faye's lap as the girls lost it.


"Well don't you look like a dream," Liam greeted Anna as she descended the stairs that night In a brightly colored two piece. 

"Well thank you!" Anna grinned as she took the arm Liam offered her and headed to the garden

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"Well thank you!" Anna grinned as she took the arm Liam offered her and headed to the garden. 

"Drink?" He asked as he directed them to the kitchen after the girl nodded. "So I feel like I need to say that you are a fantastic kisser."

"Oh babe I think that was 50/50 effort," she laughed as the boy handed her a vodka and pineapple juice. 

"I do think we need to do it again," the boy grinned at her cheekily. 

"If we end up sharing a bed, you can get all the kisses you want," Liam led her over to the day beds to sit down. The two of them talked some about their families before they were interupted by Chloe and Faye yelling at each other. 

"I mean, what did Chloe think was going to happen after the stunt she pulled today?" Anna rolled her eyes in the beach hut.

Anna laughed lightly into her drink as Chloe was thoroughly dressed down by Faye. 

"You got something to say too then?" Chloe turned around and tried to go in on Anna. 

"Mate, you do not want to try to start that with me," Anna scoffed as Liam looked at her in shock. 

"Well apparently you think I'm funny so lets hear it then!" The blonde tried to puff up. 

"Chloe, you made a very dick move today. You sit there and talk about being a girls girl, and that was such a kick to the teeth for Kaz, and any other girl in here. Do you think acting like that is going to gain you any friends? Own up to your shit and move on," Anna stood up and walked over to the fire pit where Aaron, Kaz and Sharon were gathered. 

"So I'm single," Kaz smiled through clear pain. 

"Honestly, good fucking riddance babe," Anna sat down beside the girl and rubbed her back as she heard footsteps approach. She grinned softly when Liam sat beside her and wrapped his own arm around her. 

"And look, there they go inside," Kaz laughed sarcastically before shaking her head. 


"Seeing you get fiesty was kind of fun," Liam grinned as he and Anna sat on the day beds again, this time Anna was wrapped up in his arms as she had been getting chilly. 

"I have no time for people like that honestly," Anna huffed and drank some water. "Like why would I want to be friends with someone who could just go after the boy I have a connection with, that she has seen happen, and her not even have the balls to bring it up to me before snogging him?"

"Oh I agree 100%," Liam internally appreciated the way she looked when she got fired up. "Honestly, I think Toby was going to stick with the safe option until a better option presented itself."

"And that is so messed up. Poor Kaz," Anna pouted as she cuddled into his chest. 

"Oh a happier note, I did want to be up front with you," Liam began to play with her hair as she peered up at him. "I do really fancy you. Like from what I have seen so far, you have so many qualities I look for in a girl and the connection we have even just in a few days has me beaming."

"Aww," Anna cooed as she buried her head into his chest before looking up at him again. "I like you a lot too. You've already seen me pop off and haven't run away."

"He just keeps me blushing doesn't he?" Anna giggled.

"Do you pop off often?" Liam asked as he kept twirling her hair. 

"I definitely do when needed. I won't say its a habit, but I won't let someone speak to me like that," Anna explained.

"I hope that situation didn't make Liam think badly of me," Anna bit her lip. "I am proud of who I am and a part of that is sticking up for myself and other people."

"I agree. I'm the first to acknowledge I'm a pretty quiet guy, but I know the lines I won't allow to be crossed. I have had my fair share of spats in the past."

"Honestly, the way Anna handled things with Chloe made me even more interested," Liam hugged a pillow to his chest. "I like a girl who can speak up and stand up for herself or for our friends."


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