Chapter 2 - Just Follow Orders

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A person rested in front of you as you stared back. They scratched their neck, nervously. Their skin was already cracked and sickly, but they were making it worse with them doing so. "So, she's our ultimate plan?" The male rasped out. 'She's just a thirteen-year-old kid? Why do I have to babysit her!' You knew the male hated you, you could sense it and his thoughts only confirmed it. Suddenly, he stood, seemingly unimpressed. You didn't move, though. Angrily the male looked at the doctors. "What the hell is she supposed to do!" He yelled with vexation as he grabbed one of the doctor's throats. His pinky finger was slightly lifted. In a panic, one of the female doctors turned to you. 'Oh god!'

"Subject 7629! Demonstrate your power!" She yelled at you. As soon as she did, the lights started to flicker on and off. In an instant, you were gone and next to the male holding one of the doctors. Simply, you touched his shoulder, and involuntarily he dropped the doctor. Quickly the male reached for you, but his hand went straight through your body.

"What the hell!" The male rasped, observing you. Abruptly, the lights flickered again and you appeared in the chair once more. "What the hell did she do!" The male yelled once more. The doctor that was held by the throat, gently rubbed it as he coughed.

"She created a construct of herself and forced you to let me go." The doctor said before coughing. "She's much more powerful than you understand, Shigaraki." The male, Shigaraki, turned towards you with skepticism. "Subject 7629, doesn't have to move to attack." The doctor removed his hand from his burning throat. "She follows orders, that's it."

"So what if she does!" The male yelled again. "What good is she!" Slowly you turned towards him and cocked your head to the side. You didn't understand the male that was yelling. He didn't seem to understand you either.

"I am a weapon. Nothing more."

You thought as you returned your gaze forward. Shigaraki observed you, more cautiously. The doctors did as well. "Subject 7629, are you trying to talk?" You shook your head no. They looked even more puzzled. 'Is she... Projecting her thoughts?' you heard the doctor's think, but were soon interrupted.

"Fine, I'll take her for this mission." The male said, ignoring the voice that echoed through the room moments ago. "She may be useful to get those brats anyway." The male muttered. Suddenly he grabbed your arm, lifting his pinky, and pulled you out the door.

"Wait!" The female doctor yelled, blocking the doorway. "We don't know how she will handle the stimulation of the outside world!" The male doctor nodded. "She could end up revealing-"

"Good, it'll show those heroes they're not so safe," Shigaraki announced before shoving his way past the woman. You just followed where you were being pulled, not saying a word or doing anything. As the male led you up and out, you were met with a dark sky. Puzzled, you stare at it, still being pushed forward. To your side was something that you hadn't seen in a very long time.

"Trees." You mumbled as you passed the brown bark. The male ignored your voice as he pulled you past. The ground was plush, something you weren't used to. Your wrapped feet pushed forward as your arms felt the cool air that always seemed to cool you down. Your white dress hung down to your knees and blew past your legs. So simple and yet elegant, it was beautiful. Everything around you was something you hadn't seen in a long time. You didn't even realize you missed them.

Abruptly you were thrown forward by the male but easily caught your footing. Stopping, you peer at a purple-colored circle. It was large and didn't fit in with the surroundings around you. 'This girl stopped! Seriously!' Suddenly you were pushed again and straight into the purple circle. As you fell through, the environment changed. It was still a forest, but with a different layout.

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