Chapter 23 - A Family

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A gradient (F/C) scarf. A familiar face peered through a window. You felt hope, but it was soon dashed. As soon as you blinked, he was gone. The lucid state of your mind shifts between reality and fiction. One moment, your mother hummed a soft tone, stroking your hair. The next, it was you humming the tone all along. Aizawa passed through every now and then. First, it was concerned with lacing his eyes before it changed to hope. 

You mainly had to sit alone and watch as doctors did tests on you. Some seemed unnerved by you. Your mind and quirk were quiet. You still had a headache, of course, but you felt overall calm. That is until you picked up on something. Even if your quirk wasn’t as active as it was normally, you could still read hostility. It echoed with a force throughout the entire hospital, coming from two souls.

“I won’t allow you to!” A female voice yelled. “That girl does not need you in her life!”

“I could say the same about you, dear daughter.” Another female voice stated. Two of the nurses testing you sat up, confused. One walked towards the doorway, peeking to the side. The person quickly looked back at you with slightly terrified amber eyes. Their blue hair hit their face before you too saw their bickering. 

Both look almost like you. The younger woman had (H/C) and the older woman had the same facial structure as you. However, the buzzes from their heads were more than just hostile. They were hiding something.

“Please calm down.” The blue-haired nurse stated, walking out, trying to tame them. Unfortunately, they both ignored them.

“I told you already. I’m seeing her.” The older woman stated. ‘The monstrous child… She hasn’t died. I need to assess the situation.’ The woman looked over into your eyes. They were cold and malicious. She then pushed past the other woman and the nurse, headed for the doorway of your room.  

“No.” You whisper, the windows suddenly cracking. The door to your room swung violently closed, blocking the older woman from you. The nurse that had remained at your side panicked soon after.

“Please, (L/N)! Do not use your quirk!” The nurse reasoned as you cocked your head to the side. You were always supposed to use your quirk. Why were you not allowed now? 

“HA!” The female with (H/C) laughed. “You better leave before the ‘monstrous child’ kills you. Everyone knows that you’re not here to show your love.” The older woman seethed, clenching her teeth, before stomping away. Profanities left her mouth as easily as she breathed and the two nurses that had been testing you looked at each other, concerned. “I… apologies,” Aina said, her red face returning to normal.

“May I have your name?” The nurse with blue hair asked, still blocking the door.

“I got permission from the front.” The woman produced a signed and folded paper from her pants pocket and handed it over. “My name is Aina (L/N).” The nurse looked through the paper, before nodding. 

“Okay, you may come in, but…” The nurse's eyes went to the now broken windows. “You probably shouldn’t get too comfortable. We’ll have to move her soon. Saki will be there inside to help you out.”

Aina then opened the door, the force from earlier now gone. As she walked through, her eyes met yours. Taking a few steps inside, she pulled up a chair and sat next to you. A light trail of tears started down her face.

“H-hey.” The woman said, looking away slightly. “I’m your aunt Aina.”

“Aunt?” You mutter out wondering what it meant.

“It…Uh… Means sister of your mother or father.” Aina scratched the back of her neck. “I’m your dad’s sister.”

“Daddy?” You suddenly scoot forward, the slight pulsing of pain going through your limbs. 

“Yeah…” Aina said, purposely keeping her mind quiet on the topic. Silence soon spread through the two of you before the nurse that had left early came back with a chair with wheels. You looked at it, fascinated and slightly excited. You wonder what it did. All the machines around you lit up, beeped, or did something. So what did the chair do?

“Okay, think you can get in?” The nurse asked, glancing at Saki who got to your side, ready to help in case you fell. You looked between them, perplexed, before just getting up yourself. Pain radiates through your limbs, your legs ready to give out. Just when you were about ready to collapse, Aina was the one that managed to grab you first. You hadn’t noticed she moved to your side. She was also faster than the nurses. Because you were very light, she managed to place you into the chair, you look up at her with a blank face. Yet, your eyes radiated with something that almost looked like happiness.

“Now, where are we headed?” Aina grabbed the bars behind you. Curiously, you looked behind you without turning your back. Nothing was hooked up to you. You had no idea what the chair did.

“Follow me.” The blue-haired nurse said, starting to leave the room. Suddenly, your body was starting to be pushed and the chair rolled. Shock overtook your features as you looked around wildly. The nurse continued to move, leading you and Aina elsewhere. Then, as you passed another room, you saw a familiar white scarf.  Instantly, you reach out towards the scarf with grabby hands, and Aizawa turns. His eyes first go to you, then to Aina. The woman looked away from his gaze. Midoriya and someone else was inside the room as well, talking to the small person you had helped.

“(Y/N).” Aizawa said, his mouth being hidden by his scarf. “How are you feeling?”

“Head still hurts.” You respond, him patting your head. “Why am I here?”

“To heal, (Y/N).” Aizawa responded. The conversation within the room had died down, them all looking at you. The little girl looked towards you with admiration, but also concern. 'She helped me too? I have to thank her.' Her mind buzzed.

“Heal?” You hadn’t used that word very often. Nobody left you time to do that really, so what exactly do you do? You hadn't been told to do anything besides not use your quirk.

“Hey, Mr. Aizawa?” Midoriya gained the man's attention. “(Y/N) can come to the UA Sports Festival too! Maybe it can make her feel better.” Aizawa looked back at you, seeing the innocent and curious. He then looked towards the nurse. "Imagine if she could connect more with the rest of the school!"

“You think that’s possible?” He asked the nurse. 

“Possible, yes.” The nurse stated. “We’d have to take precautions, but it is plausible.” Aizawa nodded, looking back at you.

“Listen to the doctors, (Y/N).” He stated and you eagerly nodded. Then, Aina and the nurse started to move once again.

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