Chapter 7 - Test of Cognition

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You were moved a lot within the past hour. You didn't know why, and the minds of the people around you were vague. You think they didn't even know if they knew where you were going. It was strange, to say the least. You were used to the people around you being sure, confident, and forceful. Aizawa stayed with you most of the time, talking to the doctors mainly. He was quiet, reserved, and didn't talk a lot in his head. His actions were done with careful planning and yet none at all. He was so sure of everything.

Slowly you were wheeled into another room as you looked around. Objects that were colorful and abundant littered the floor. A large shelf rested opposite of the door with little rectangles placed on it. To your left was a large reflective piece that showed Aizawa and what you assumed was you. The person in the chair had long (H/C) hair and big round (E/C) eyes. Their skin was pale and they were skinny. Suddenly your restraints were loosened as you gazed at the person in the mirror. "I'll be in the other room," Aizawa said as he retracted the wheelchair. You nodded as you stood up. The male then left, not giving you any commands. He just abandoned you in a strange room with objects that were very colorful. It kinda hurt your eyes. 'She's not moving.

You heard a thought behind the reflective object. Your gaze trails to it instantly as you cock your head to the side. There were people behind it, you could hear them. 'Does she know?' someone asked in their head as you took a step towards the reflective piece. The figure shown to you did the same movements as you did, making you jump slightly. Realizing it wasn't coming to get you, you move forward again and it does the same. That's when you piece the puzzle together.

"Me?" You mumble out in a question as you reach out towards the reflective piece. 'What did she say?' a voice questions behind it as your finger meets the figure. The colors of your arms are the same in the reflection. It was like it was following you, yet it was, just not in the same sense. Lowering your arm you turn around again, not knowing what to do. 'She's not touching any of the toys?' You look down at one of the objects. The thing was familiar, soft, and made of fabric. You remembered tearing one up before using your quirk. Slowly the toy starts to float through the air. "Kill it?" You ask, turning to the mirror. "Do you want me to? Like before?" You whisper as the people behind the mirror question themselves. 'Kill it?' 'A stuffed animal?' 'Does she know we're here?'

"Do you sense people (Y/N)?" You suddenly hear a voice say out loud. It sounded like an intercom, like before, but now it was a different voice. You didn't respond, knowing they weren't talking to you. When they talk to you, it's always Subject 7629. Although, you never did hear another person being called over the intercom. "Can you hear me?" 'Why isn't she responding?' 'She's still alert and yet...' "Subject 7629?" Instantly your head perked up to the noise. Small sighs sounded from behind the reflective piece. 'Why doesn't she respond to her name!' You heard a voice yell. "Do you sense people behind the mirror?"

You looked around for the mirror. What was that? "Mirror." Slowly you started to inspect your room for the object. Seeing a bed you pass it by. The shelf was next and you pulled an object from it. The rectangular thing opened, startling you into dropping it. It fell open on the ground making you see something that was yet another thing unfamiliar. It looked like markings on the thin sheet of.... fabric? You kick it to the side, knowing you can't dwell on that when you have an order to sense people behind a mirror. Turning around, your eyes laid on another self. The object on it was familiar. Clothes, white in color, rested on it. Although there was a set that was (F/C) that you didn't recognize and particularly didn't like. You only wear white.

"Are you having trouble?" The intercom calmly asked as you froze. You were taking too long, weren't you? You shook your head 'no' nervously as you continued to look around. The only place you knew people were was behind the reflective piece. So, anxiously you pointed to it, you figure following the gesture. You could only hope you were right.

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