Chapter 30 - Album

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Trust was something people had to earn. It was something you had never had. Nobody around you even deserved it besides your parents. You didn’t trust Aizawa. You were, instead, cautious around him. He was close to earning it, however. You did not trust Shinso. He was someone you’d barely met. However, you would always help protect them as if you were a hero, not a villain. The same goes for Aizawa.

When the tired man walked by, scolding, congratulating, and giving tips to the hero students, he turned to you. Your eyes were glued to the ground. You failed your mission and were prepared for whatever came next. ‘Hasn’t changed much.’ A woman’s voice echoed through your mind, making you jolt up and make eye contact with Aina. Her (E/C) met yours as she quickly looked away. A small barely visible smile came across your face at the sight of her.

“(Y/N), your aunt has come to see you today,” Aizawa stated as you looked towards him. The other students looked toward Aina as she sighed. A few seconds of silence passed as she then awkwardly coughed.

“You kids and your gawking.” Aina took steps towards you. “I have something to show you (Y/N).” She stated, showing off a book with words that you couldn’t read on it. You recognized a few letters and your last name but didn’t know how to pronounce it. People just called you (L/N), even though you didn’t really know what it meant. You followed Aina as she led you away from the kids and then sat down on the ground. ‘Have a seat.’ Aina spoke, without words. It was something only you could translate, and she knew this. So, you huddled yourself down on the ground.

“I wanted to share….. The (L/N) history….” Aina said, avoiding eye contact as the grip on the book she was holding tightened. You looked at her confused as she placed down the book and opened it. Upon closer inspection, you noticed the book was leather and well-kept, but it still looked old. It was also very thick. The pages also had a faded tone as your eye quickly caught an old picture. It looked strange and was black and white. “Quirks have always been a pillar of power.”

Aina spoke with a dead, devoid, tone as she looked at the picture. It held a male and a woman, holding a newborn baby in their arms. The baby was crying slightly, but the parts looked to be soothing the baby.

“That is a picture of the first quirk user in our family.” The woman stated, pointing towards the child. “His name has been forgotten by time, but we do know his quirk. Telepathy.” Aina said, before turning the page. “He was…. One of many that experienced hatred at the time because of quirks. However, he did have a family.” Another picture revealed itself as you peered at it.

It showed another family holding their child in the same one as before. However, the baby wasn’t crying, just smiling. 

“Life almost resumed like normal because this child had no quirk,” Aina stated. “However, the father was disappointed. He wanted something more out of his only child. He wanted another quirk.” Aina turned the page again.

This time, the male was alone, but had another child with him. “Where?” You look towards Aina. “Where at?”

“This was in (Nationality),” Aina answered. “But, it didn’t last long. The father wanted a kid, so he made another with a different woman and left everything he had there. When the next child failed to have a quirk, he moved again, and again, and again. Till he landed in Korea.”

You nodded but had no idea where that actually was. You just knew where you were, not really anything else.

“For once, he actually got a child with a quirk.” Aina continued. “So, he finally settled and watched as the child grew. They had the same quirk, just in a different form. The child could project thoughts.”

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