Chapter 8 - Nothing but a Weapon

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You sat in a large object on wheels. Other similar objects moved along a paved surface and passed you easily. It was different to see people in them, trying to go elsewhere. Now you were in one, going somewhere else. You believed Aizawa called it a car. The memory of him finding you and easily restraining your frail body passed through your mind. You used your quirk because you were told and he restrained you forcefully and fully making you real back. It was scary, unreal. He wasn’t too mad at you, though. He acted normal, even when you didn’t explain why you started to use your quirk. He knew why you had, but he wanted to hear it for confirmation, which you couldn’t give. Slowly you placed your hand on the window and viewed the sky. It was a lot more peaceful compared to the four walls you used to call home. Now your home would be elsewhere and you didn’t know how to feel.

Ever since you left the first time you moved a lot more than you had ever. While it was disorienting, you learned more than you could have possibly dreamed. “Yes, I’m taking her there.” You heard Aizawa say as you caught him taking a glance towards you. You stared back as if you were a machine. No expression rested on your face, nothing about your body language gave anything away. The man in the trench coat nodded, looking at you as well.

“I agree this is the best solution, but are you sure?” The male asked as you looked at him. You didn’t know how to feel. You didn’t know how he was feeling. Ever since you were with these men, all the thoughts around you were quieter. Your headache was dulled and you felt better than ever, you felt calm. However, it did leave you lost on how to interact. Normally, you would read them like a book and know how to respond based on them. Without your power, you were near-mute. You had no edge or ability to see how they were feeling. There was also the medicine they would give you. Nothing was strange about the small white pill, you had seen some before. Everything, after you took it, was under question. You felt more calm and relaxed, less nervous. It was weird but felt good to experience.

“Yes, I am. My class is exceptionally good at things like this.” The male replied with certainty. “They should be able to bring her out of her shell, and if not…. There’s another option.” Aizawa shook his head in dismissal. “But it won’t come to that.” The detective nodded as Aizawa entered the car without another word. His seat was next to you as you grabbed the white dress they had given you. The fabric was silky and smooth, easy for you to adjust to. The color was natural as well, making it easy to acclimate to your new surroundings. Quickly the male started the vehicle as you felt it rumble. Your eyes widened slightly, but nothing else happened, so you calmed down quickly. Then it started to move through the area, along the other vehicles. No words were spoken as you watched the different people around you pass by seamlessly. You had never actually seen people walk around so freely. It was unusual. They weren’t wearing white either, which confused you further. You awkwardly stared at them, but they never looked at you. They didn’t bother each other, either. The people just went about their day and did different things. There were no familiar white coats with angry and pushy people throwing you around like a ragdoll.

“No doctors….” You mumble lightly, gaining Aizawa’s attention. He looked at you for a second before turning back to the road. “No white, or people asking things of me. It’s weird. Nobodies asking me to do anything.” You state confused. They always asked you to do something and yet it wasn't happening.

“What would we ask you to do?” Aizawa asked, taking the chance to get information. You paused, not really knowing. What the intercom mostly asked you to do was kill or get information, not much else. 

“Information or kill.” You state. “All they want is for me to kill someone or get information.” You continue your voice not retaining a mumble. It was almost like your confused soul left your body at the question. No 13-year old, who didn't know what to do or who to trust. All that was left, was a mechanical person, program to do one or two tasks with perfection. Aizawa didn’t show any signs of emotion as he turned a corner. You look out the window again in the awkward silence, slowly you open your mouth again. “I am nothing, but a weapon.” You continue with your robotic tone.

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