Chapter 34 - Merry Christmas

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Ms. Midnight was having an absolute heyday with you, preparing you for something called Christmas. You can't recall any time you participated in the event, but apparently, it was very fun and included gifts.

"I'm so proud of you!" Midnight squealed, handing you a (F/C) and white fluffy dress. "I can't believe you agreed!"

"Thank you." A small voice from the tiny human said, pulling on your shirt.

She was dressed in a little red and white outfit. To be honest, she looked cute even to you. You could feel your heart skip a beat from the cuteness overload you were witnessing from the child. Eri gave a smile, you gave a weak one in turn.

It took a lot out of you to even consider wearing the outfit Midnight had gotten for you. Truthfully, Eri was the only one who could ever convince you to try anything new. She got you to eat more (Favorite Food), wear the beaded bracelet, and even wear black. She was the key to unlocking your deep-seated disdain for newer things and the teachers knew this.

"Go, put it on!" Midnight ushered you into the teacher's lounge bathroom.

You went, getting changed relatively quickly. You then looked in the mirror at yourself. The dress was mainly white and had black trims. A pattern of (F/C) snowflakes littered the dress's bottom, flowing down like a flurry. The fabric also shimmered slightly.

You couldn't help but scrunch up your face. You felt gross, impure. If only you could back out now. However, Eri and Midnight would be extremely saddened by your refusal. Slowly, you headed towards the exit, opening the door and peeking out with doe-like eyes.

"I bet she'll look great." Midnight's thoughts projected as she made eye contact with you.

"Come on out sweetie." Midnight coaxed, you stepping out slightly. "Don't be shy."

Instantly, both went dead silent. Their thought slowed down to a crawl, pure shock overtaking them. Then, their minds switched to adoration. Midnight quickly gushes over you.

"You're so beautiful! You'll have Class 1-A fawning over you!" Midnight grinned. "Not to mention the men."

"You're very pretty," Eri said with a gentle, more tame smile.

"Are you ready?" Aizawa walked into the room, before noticing you. "You're not wearing white."

Quickly, a blush fell over your face. Are you supposed to be wearing white? Was he upset? Maybe you should change-

"It looks good," Aizawa stated, noticing your rising panic.

"Oh, Aizawa, we're just wrapping up." Midnight stated. "Even have all of the gifts. (Y/N) even got one for you."

"Yeah." You nod, going over to a stack of paper bags. Quickly, you select the relatively big black one and float it over to him.

"Thank you." Aizawa smiled.

"I helped pick it out." Midnight stated.

"How are you feeling, (Y/N)?" Aizawa asked, ignoring Midnight. She looked distraught. "The scans came back that there was a minor amount of damage."

"I still have a headache." You answer shortly. "No bleeding."

"That's good," Aizawa stated. "Keep in mind you're not invincible. You're powers are very dangerous to yourself, understood?"

"Yes." You state. "Open present, please."

Aizawa smirked. You gestured for him to open it. He did, the tissue paper falling to the side. He then pulled out a sleeping bag that was pure white. The man gave Midnight a look and the woman grinned knowingly.

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