Chapter 27 - Uses of Power

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“You heard me correctly, Eraserhead.” A woman with blonde hair said. Her skin was wrinkly and she was wearing a business suit. The room was large, with one desk, and a large window. “We need (Y/N)’s quirk. The league is continuing to move forward with its plans. We cannot stop planning ahead ourselves.”

Aizawa frowned beneath his scarf. The girl was barely recovering as is. Now they wanted to throw her onto the field? 

“I heard about the next class competition. Pinning Class A and B together is brilliant. You even have one other you planned on inserting into the fight.” The woman continued. “Add (Y/N) to the battle. If she shows sufficient growth we will give her a provisional license. It’s best to have her as a hero, not a villain.”

“I understand that, but (Y/N) is still a child,” Aizawa stated firmly. 

“We know this.” The woman responded. “But we cannot let the League win. If they get her back, turn her against us once again, then we will be unable to fight her.” The woman then reached towards the desk. Paperwork and other documentation rested on the desk. The woman took one page. She then showed it to Aizawa. “This is a list of people that have died because of (Y/N)’s quirk. This one is specifically suicide rates. We have found something…….. Unnerving.” The woman paused, her breathing slightly shaken. “It’s like a plague she transmits. Upon contact, (Y/N) can manipulate someone, knowing and unknowing. That's what happened to the girl 'Stella Yang'. When she was in captivity, she was able to transmit thoughts without contact. If that power got back to the villains, the sanity of civilians, heroes, everyone, would fall.”

Aizawa’s face didn’t change at the woman’s words. He just stood, firm and stiff.  He knew this. He experienced it firsthand. The thoughts were saddening, sickening, and maddening. Abruptly, footsteps soon echoed through the room. Aizawa quickly turned, meeting (E/C). It was a familiar tone. A man took steps towards Aizawa, a calm smile on his face. However, there was darkness behind it. A gradient (F/C) scarf fell along his shoulders.

“I appreciate you taking care of (Y/N).” The man said, walking towards the man with his hand out. Aizawa reluctantly took his hand. “The names (F/N) (L/N).” Aizawa’s eyes widened as the woman in the room nodded in confirmation.

“(F/N) has been helping us behind the scenes.” The woman stated. “He has been searching for (Y/N) since the first day she was taken. He faked his death to operate in the shadows.” The man’s face soured as he adjusted his gradient scarf. "In a way, he's similar to you."

“You know, this used to be (Y/N)’s favorite color.” (F/N) stated, touching the (F/C) on the scarf. “I think she remembers me wearing a scarf all the time. That’s why she’s taken a liking to you.” The man paused. 

“Why haven’t you returned to her?” Aizawa questioned suddenly with rising skepticism. (F/N) flinched slightly, his smile faltering as he closed his eyes.

“If I were to die, right after I came back, how do you think that’d make (Y/N) feel?” (F/N) questioned. “She wouldn't react positively. When I had ‘died’ originally, she killed a man. Now that her quirk has developed further, who’s to stop her from killing one-hundred, two-hundred, one-thousand?”

“It’s for the best.” The woman continued. “He has given his consent to make (Y/N) into a hero. If she succeeds in the class fight, then she will earn an honorary provisional license. It will have more restrictions than a normal license, but will act the same.”

“My girl always wanted to help people, not hurt them. When she was a kid, she wanted to be a hero. That or a psychiatrist of all things.” (F/N) stated with a fond smile. “That’s why she found you during the raid of the Shei Hisaiki. She could sense your pain, panic, and possible fear. Hell, even emotions like joy will make her act.” (F/N) continued. “Even if she had no idea what was going on, she was quick to help. That’s how she always was. They just turned that need to please against her.”

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