Chapter 26 - Befriended

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A doctor, one you knew as Ryoji, held equipment in his hands. He was fiddling with it as you gnawed on some rubbery fish. ‘Can you hear me?’ The man asked this, his thoughts reverberating through your head, making you instantly face him. Slowly, you nod, the man sighing and starting to mess with the side of your head again. ‘I hope this works….’ Suddenly, something cold pressed up against your head, making you freeze for a moment.

You look towards Aizawa as he silently, encouragingly grabs your hand. You take it eagerly, trying not to panic further as a slight noise plays through your ear. It beeped before it was quiet again. You breathe out, starting to gnaw on your food again. You didn’t hear anything else come from the doctor, but you could feel his gaze on you.

“It worked,” Ryoji stated, a soft smile gracing his face. “Do you hear anything?”

“Your voice.” You responded quietly. “No thoughts though.” You reach up towards your ear, feeling a small device. You sneered for a moment, but Aizawa took your hands away from the device.

“Leave it be for now,” Aizawa said carefully. “How’s your head?”

“Fine.” You respond.

“The battery life isn’t very good yet, but we needed to test the first one,” Ryoji said, slowly pulling the device from your head. ‘I’m just glad it works. We’re one step closer.’ The doctor patted your head gently as you stared at the device. 

“It stops quirk?” You ask disjointly.

“It stops part of it. You’ll still be able to use it through contact, but your headaches will lessen.” Aizawa responded as you looked towards him. “You won’t hear everyone all the time.” Quickly your frown. How were you supposed to do commands if you couldn’t read thoughts? Frustrated, you tear another piece off of the fish. It was boarder lining on elastic with how stretchy it was. 

“We could make you some better food,” Ryoji stated, holding cords and his devices in his arms. You just blinked at him. “It’s good to have a variety in your diet.”

“We’ve tried getting her to eat something else. It hasn’t worked.” Aizawa said, standing. Ryoji didn’t say anything for a few moments. ‘Maybe Eri can help her. They seemed to have bonded…. Somewhat.’ You look up at the man.

“Tiny human?” You ask as Ryoji frowns slightly. ‘I forgot she could hear me.’ 

“Yes. I’m thinking it would be good for you and her to go to the lunch hall together.” Ryoji smiled nervously. 

“It might help,” Aizawa said, crossing his arms. You continue to eat your food, not really caring. “Why don’t we go say hi to her.”

“Okay.” You say, quickly downing the rubbery fish in one go. You almost choked before getting the tasteless monstrosity down. Aizawa raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything. He then motioned for you to follow and you did. Ryoji left after you, carrying all of the equipment. You trail Aizawa like a little duckling as he leads you toward Eri. ‘Now it all matches.’ You turn your head towards a doorway, Eri sitting on the floor with a set of very tiny balls and string. The girl looked up at you, growing a small smile. Her red eyes lit up as Aizawa led you inside.

“Eri, can you play with (Y/N) for a bit?” Aizawa said. “You two will be going to the mess hall together as well.”

“I can,” Eri responded sweetly. She then gestured for you to sit down next to her. You did but didn’t touch anything else. Aizawa left the room after a few seconds. Eri just resumed her play, taking the string and small balls. She put the balls on the string, them making a small noise. 

“What is that?” You ask, watching as the tiny human continued to thread the tiny balls.

“They told me it was jewelry-making supplies,” Eri responded. “I’m making a bracelet.”

“Bracelet?” You question as the small human nods. “What is that?”

“Umm…. You wear it on your wrist.” Eri stated, tying off her bracelet. She then pointed towards your wrist. You extend it out to her and she slipped the item on. You quickly frown. You only wear white. This bracelet was (F/C) and light pink. “Do you not like it?” Eri asked, a sad expression falling over her face.

“I’m only allowed to wear white.” You state, almost robotically. “That’s all. Nothing more.” Eri nodded slightly as you took off the bracelet. She seemed confused and hurt, but grew a smile again. She then reached out toward a bunch of white balls. 

“Which do you like?” Eri asked. 

“I….” You look at the small spheres. Upon closer inspection, some were diamond-shaped, lighter, darker, or even clear on parts. You then look towards the ground, finding a stray (F/C) ball. You pick it up, handing it to Eri, before selecting certain white ones.

“Let’s make it together.” Eri hummed, handing you the string. You just held it, not knowing what to do. “You have to tie it first,” Eri said, showing you the other bracelet she made. You inspected the small item and it did have a knot. You copy the knot exactly, tying one end. “Okay, hold it while I get the beads on.” Eri smiled, dropping beads down the string. They slid down the path, stopping at the knot. You watched as the tiny human moved. She then grabbed the (F/C) ball, dropping it down the string.

“That one….” You mutter, narrowing your eyes. Only white, only wear white.

“You like it right?” Eri asked as you slowly nodded. No, you don’t like it. You only like white. There shouldn’t be any other colors, right? You aren’t supposed to like anything else. “Then why not leave one on?” Eri reasoned, snapping you back to reality. You slowly, very reluctantly, agree. The small child beamed at you, before continuing to make the bracelet as you held the string. 

Each bead fell down the string into a pattern. The singular (F/C) ball resting in between them. You only watched that bead. Don’t wear anything except white. Anything different is dangerous.

“Done.” Eri hummed as she took the string and tied the other end. You placed your hands in your lap before Eri looked towards you expectantly. You quickly held out your wrist, her slipping it on. The white bracelet with the singular (F/C) bead didn’t bother you as much as you thought it would. “Do you like it?”

“I do.” You say, slightly smiling towards Eri. “Thank you.”

(F/N) observed the dreamlike memory of Stella. His eyes drifted around as a small girl walked past him. From what he could see, he was in some sort of school. The young girl that walked past him moved quickly, unnoticed by everyone.

“스텔라 양? 나는 그런 이름의 학생이 없다.” A teacher spoke as (F/N) narrowed his eyes. He recognized the language, Korean. He then focused, using his quirk to help translate the memory. A wave of pain surged through his head before everything returned to normal. “Why is a student of that name on my list?”

“I-I’m here!” The young ignored child raised her hand desperately.

“I’ll have to talk to the board.” The teacher ignored the small girl. Tears welled up in her swirling eyes before she just ran out of the classroom. (F/N) followed her trail before the scene around him changed.

“Are you okay?” A very soft voice asked. A small child with a blindfold over her eyes reached down towards the young Stella. The ignored girl gasped with a flurry of emotion. Her heartbeat quickened.

“You…. you won’t forget!” The ignored child clutched onto the blindfolded girl, pulling her slightly down.

“You’re very scared and sad…. I can feel it in your touch.” The blindfolded girl said, grasping Stella’s hand. “It’s my quirk…. Don’t worry. I’ll take some of the pain away.” Stella grasped onto the girl tighter as a white glow spread through the two. Then, it settled down. The blindfolded girl had a very somber smile as Stella breathed out slightly. “My name’s Cecilia Winslow.”


스텔라 양? 나는 그런 이름의 학생이 없다.

Miss Stella? I don't have a student with that name.

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