Chapter 13 - Decisions of Safety

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You walked next to Aizawa with a blank expression. In your arms was another stuffed animal that was (F/C). You were wearing a white shirt and pants as Aizawa led you through the school. 7629. That many times. So many times. Suddenly, Aizawa stopped at a large door. ‘Last night was intense’

“I’m honestly surprised we’re still going to school.” A female said as you and Aizawa walked through the room. Suddenly, everyone went quiet and sat down at their desks. You stood next to Aizawa as he stood at a podium. ‘Why is she here?’ ‘What’s going on?’

“Last night's incident occurred because of (Y/N) and her quirk,” Aizawa stated bluntly. “As you know, she was the one trying to kill All Might during the kimono incident. She went missing at an early age and was being conditioned into a weapon. We thought having her here would help her recover. Last night may have made you uncomfortable, but we leave the choice up to the students. Do you wish to have (Y/N) removed from the school?”

What?’ ‘All of this was caused by her?’ ‘What even is her quirk?’ ‘How can we trust her?’ She’s dangerous’

“I-I….” You start to speak but cut yourself off.

“What is it?” Aizawa asked, turning to you. The class also turned towards you, making you want to disappear.

“Should be dead.” You said quietly while looking around. It was hard for you to tell where you were. So confusing….

“No, you shouldn’t,” Aizawa responded simply as the students sat in shock. ‘What?’

“What would happen if we removed her?” A green-haired boy asked.

“She will be put in prison,” Aizawa said coldly. “Right now she is having trouble telling what is happening. Her memories were messed with when she was taken. I’ll leave the choice up to you, but remember she does need help. If you have questions, ask.”

“Alright.” A boy with robotic arms started. “Anyone have questions!” You winced at the loudness of his voice. Suddenly, many of the students raise their hands, except one. He had blonde spiky hair and an angry expression. ‘Villain needs help? Ironic.’ “First, Mineta!”

“How old is she?” The boy asked.

“13,” Aizawa answered, but sent the boy a glare, making him fall away. ‘She’s still pretty hot.’

“Midoriya!” The loud man pointed at a green-haired boy.

“What is her quirk?” The boy looked away. “I mean, she was destroying a lot of things, so telekinetic…..” The boy muttered.

“Psychic.” You responded shortly. “Subject 7629, able to break the wills and minds of targets.” You rehearsed the line you were trained to say. “Also able to use a telekinetic-like ability, although it does cause tremors in the earth.” You then continued. “Passive ability, detect thoughts. Are also able to locate people based on that detection.” The class looks at you with slight fear. ‘She knows what we’re thinking?’ “Yes.” You respond to their thoughts.

“Prove it!” The angry blond said. ‘Think she’s better! I’ll destroy this villain.’

“You want to destroy me, saying that I think I’m better.” You answer. Then you turn to Aizawa. “What does that mean?” ‘She’s truly clueless.’ 

Stay out of my head!” The man yelled, sparks coming from his hand. Suddenly, a binding cloth wrapped around the boy as Aizawa glared at him. 

“Stand down.” He hissed, before unraveling the cloth. ‘Psychotic bitch.’ You heard the man say as he sat back down. A few of the hands went down at the question being answered.

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