Chapter 25 - Sources

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Tsukauchi watched the girl carefully. She was docile for once. The woman was small, had jet-black hair, and very pale skin. Her face seemed to hold a pained expression and Tsukauchi looked through his folder. After a few days, he managed to track down this elusive stranger. She was a prime example of quirks being their own downfall. Slowly, his eyes glazed over the document.

Stella Yang

Korean Exchange Student

Age : 17

Quirk : Forgettable Face

Everything else on the document was torn to shreds. Presumingly, Stella did it herself. She has been everywhere and yet nowhere. Easily, she walked into the most secure prison in Japan and killed the guards. No one noticed her presence, just her voice.

“This the one?” (F/N) asked, his eyes staring at the woman coldly. Tsukauchi felt a shiver go down his spine. He was surprised when he found the man once again. His once cheery and hopeful smile was now darker and more sinister. However, he had a purpose. One that Tsukauchi could understand, yet, couldn’t. 

“Oh, it’s good to see you again, Tsukauchi.” (F/N) replied, cleaning off a hot metal brand. Tsukauchi's eyes widened at the sight. The (F/N) was still alive? The rumors of the things Japan’s government made him do were all true. (F/N) admitted it himself. “Been a while.” The man smiled, the body of Kia Chisaki below him. The man had passed out.

“Did you do that?” Tsukauchi questioned as two other officers stared at him in confusion.

“Part of it.” (F/N) replied. “The removal of his arms was someone else.” The man then wordlessly walked over the body.

“So, how did you survive?” Tsukauchi questioned as (F/N) stared down at the comatose girl. The man didn’t respond for a few moments before sighing.

“They shot me, sure.” The man stated. “But a bullet wound wouldn’t stop me forever.”

“But your corpse. It was found and buried.” Tsukauchi continued to inquire as (F/N) smiled. "Your own body was found and buried."

“That one’s a funny story.” (F/N) continued with a smirk. “One of the men that attacked me looked very closely at me. The only thing that wasn’t, was his hair. I dyed it.”

“We did a DNA test.” Tsukauchi continued.

“I faked the results. The documents could easily be changed from negative to positive.” (F/N) stated. “Anyway, how’s (Y/N) handling the festival?”

“I’ve got no calls,” Tsukauchi answered. His mind was on overdrive. How did (F/N) know that she was okay, let alone headed toward a festival? Unless Aina knew that he was alive too. She was the only one informed of what was going to happen.

“That’s good.” (F/N) smiled. 

“I’m sorry, (F/N).” Tsukauchi stated. “I’m not sure if you should be arrested or not.” (F/N) looked at him, his entire gaze darkening. The man in the beige trench coat stood his ground but understood that that glare was what many people saw before they died. “You’re classified as a vigilante. You know the rules for them.”

“Good thing I’m a friend of the government.” (F/N) stated, his gradient scarf moving across his shoulder. “They already know of my existence, friend.” The man continued to smile. “I found the other villain’s hideout and notified the government. I found the information on this girl here.” Suddenly, (F/N) thrust a folder from his jacket into Tsukauchi's hands. “Everything is already cleared up.”

“Is that so?” Tsukauchi raised his eyebrow. (F/N) nodded before turning away from the man. With a single touch, the man entered the comatose girl's memories, scanning. Tsukauchi let him be, pulling out his phone. He had to make sure…. 'Nothing against you, (F/N)'..... When he dialed the number, ringing sounded in his ear. Then, complete silence. The man knew someone had answered. “I’ve found (F/N).”

“We know.” The other side of the phone spoke. “Agent Hell Hound has his assignment. Do not interfere.” Then, the line ended. Tsukauchi didn’t say anything. Just sat in silent shock.

You were kinda bored after the ‘concert’. Nothing else was as joyful and entertaining as Class 1-A. Midoriya was rushing between things as you watched him curiously. Aizawa stood next to you. He was helping you walk. Mainly because you stood up from the wheelchair so often. The small human and the blonde were behind you. The stitches in your arms were nice and tight, making you able to move almost freely.

“Yoo! Nice job back there!” The blond suddenly yelled to a huffing Midoriya. You walked over towards him with a slight limp, followed by the tiny human. She was almost clinging to your side. A bright smile was spread across her face as she quickly started to bounce.

“At first I was scared because it was loud!” Eri shouted, you being thankful for the earmuffs. If it was actually super loud, your head would’ve hurt. Thankfully, the noise wasn't bothering you today. “But everyone started dancing like ‘hop’ ‘hop’!” The small human bounced quickly. “And then the light went flash and Mr. Deuku disappeared, but then everything got cold and like fwoosh!” You raised your arms with a smile as the little girl did. “Then the light was spinning around and that lady’s voice was like wah! I said wah too!”

“Fun.” You respond much quieter. “Do it again.” Midoriya smiled, covering the tears on his face before looking back up.

“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself,” Midoriya said. “But we can’t do it again right now.” You pout, but Aizawa quickly places a hand on your head. Midoriya was then yelled at by the other students, making him quickly start helping with the cleanup.

You stared off towards a small lake. It was peaceful, much better than everyone at the festival. Even if the noise wasn’t getting to you, too many people were. The small human had followed you, plopping down on the grass. You just stared off at nothing in particular.

“What happened….” The small human voice, but her voice was small. “I heard… People saying bad things about you.” You gaze at her.

“Heads normally do that.” You respond. “Can you hear heads?” The little girl slowly shook her head, confused. 

“I mean, people were being mean, saying mean things.” Eri continued, trying to explain. 

“People were mean? People never like me.” You answer. “Scared.”


“Of my quirk.” You continue.

“Like my quirk? People are scared of my quirk and I don’t want to hurt people.” Eri continued.

“Weapons. They made me into a weapon.” You then smile and pat the girl’s head. “But now, we’re free of bad people. I can learn, you can learn.” The small girl nodded.

“Surprize!” Midoriya smiled, leaning down to Eri and handing her a small red object. You stared at it.

“A candy apple!” The blond quickly gasped. “Were they selling those? I looked everywhere!”

“After I looked at the program, I thought they might not have any. So when I was out shopping I bought all the ingredients and made it. The only thing the store didn’t have was food coloring.” Midoriya explained. Eri held the treat out in front of her face.

“Well, don’t worry, you’ll meet again soon enough,” Aizawa stated. “We need to get (Y/N) to her check-up.” Aizawa continued, slowly pulling the ear muffs off your head. You looked at him as the small human took a bite of the apple.

“It’s even sweeter.” The girl said, before holding it out to you. “Try some.” She broke off a small piece of the glaze. You took it, not knowing what to do. Aizawa pat your head as he started to pull you away.

“I’ll make more for you, so you can look forward to it,” Midoriya said, waving goodbye. Eri munched on her treat as you rolled the glaze she had given you in your palm.

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