Chapter 33 - I Want To Be A Hero

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(F/N) moved quickly, holding the body woman in a tight grip. Her hair was frazzled, her skin pale. Blood appeared from (F/N)'s brow, maniacal laughing sounding from just in front of him. Kumiko grinned, moving forward with an almost dance in his step.

He was inside a large room of vials and liquids. Nomu were being engineered right there, under the hospital his daughter went to. Disgusting how close they were to her. Not to mention Ruma. They were planning on turning her into one as well. Now, he had failed his mission. Ruma was dead, limp in his arms. He just needed to bring her home.

"I can't believe it!" He cheered with a child-like joy. "You walked right into my door! It's been a long time, brother."

"You're no brother of mine." (F/N) spat as he backed up. "Just an abomination of what used to be."

"Don't be like that," Kumiko said. "I'm alive! Be happy! Mother did this all for me!"

"Lies." (F/N) backed up. "She did it for herself, to spare her perfect family image. The rest must have known, that's why they killed themselves. They felt that there was no way to bring honor back to the (L/N)'s."

"Oh, none of them matter anyway," Kumiko stated. "I have a plan you see, one that will get your dear old daught-"


(F/N) had pulled out a gun, the bullet striking through Kumiko's skull instantly. The boy fell to the ground, limp. For a split moment, (F/N)'s hands shook before his gaze sharpened. He picked up Ruma, gently.

"You're not my brother." (F/N) stated, turning around to leave.

"Haha..... You know, that kinda hurt." Kumiko's voice pierced the air. (F/N) turned, shock overtaking his features.

Kumiko was pulling himself up, a bead of blood trailing from his forehead to his chin. (F/N)'s teeth grit tightly, he points the gun at Kumiko, letting loose the entire clip. Kumiko just ate the bullets, his body jerking with each pelt.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to kill me." Kumiko grinned, his wounds closing before (F/N)'s eyes.

"Nomu." (F/N) said before Kumiko surged forward, grabbing (F/N)'s throat and lifting him into the air. (F/N)'s scarf loosened as Ruma's body fell to the floor like a twisted ragdoll. "That bitch."

"I'll keep you alive, dear brother." Kumiko brought (F/N)'s face close to his. "After all, you're the key to get that little girl to break."

He then slammed the man into the floor. (F/N) gasped, his hairline starting to bleed. Weakly, he reached out, grabbing Kumiko's arm before the man slammed him into the floor again. However, (F/N) didn't pull away, holding an angry gaze.

"That's... b...bullshit.... And you..." (F/N) stated, his vision starting to twist into a blur. "Go...... to.....h...ell...."


You kicked your legs peacefully as the UA teachers crowded around the TV, concerned. The young girl peered at it, a hero was attacking a Nomu fiercely. It looked like he was losing.

Civilians ran away from the carnage, desperate for any escape, but there was none. It was a trap for the heroes and everyone understood, even you. If they were able to demoralize the heroes and allow the people to lose faith, they'd win. It'd be easier to have a tight grasp on them. The villains would be able to do whatever they wanted. It was a power move and manipulation. Vile.

"This is bad." Aizawa's thoughts spoke shortly.

You cocked your head to the side, curling your legs as you crossed them. He was worried. The anxiety of others rippled out, striking through your heart like a poison. Should you be worried if they're worried? Suddenly, Aizawa's phone started to ring, and the man answered nearly instantly.

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