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"Am I hallucinating or is that ice coming straight towards us?" Diego asked Manny as the iceberg started to get closwer int othe fog. Silver looked over and can see that she is hearing laughter on the ship.

"Yeah, yeah, it's coming. It sounds like there's animals on it," Manny realized.

Sid cheered, and started to dance. "Yippee! We're being rescued, we're being rescued!"

"I hear laughter," Diego guessed, believing he can hear that someone is on that ice.

"Must be a party cruise," Sid answered.

All of a sudden, giant hooks pierce the iceberg. Silver yelped in fear. tipping backwards. Something tells her those animals don't seem friendly. Silver grabbed Pip and jumped into the water.

"Silver, where are you going?" Manny asked her.

Silver didn't want to say it. She and Pip inhaled deeply and submerged into the water. The reason why the hooks pierced in the iceberg is that it was a ship. It was unlike any other they had ever seen. It had branches held by vines. It's ice was strong enough to hold someone. Eyes of unknown creatures whispered. From up on the highest branch was a person that was shaped like a monkey.

"Ahoy, down there! How lucky are you? You know these waters are infested with pirates. Right, boys?" The voices of many pirates roared. The figure begins to swing upon the branches and appears at last. He was a giant gigantopithecus with a captain's hat. "Glad we found you before they did. Captain Gutt, here to help."

"You know, that's a nice monkey," Granny grinned.

"Look, we don't want any trouble," Manny tried to tell the captian. "We just need to get back to the continent."

"The continent? That pile of rubble?"

Everyone laughed.

"My family's there, so if you could just..."

"Your family?" Gutt interupted him. "That is so sweet. I hope you said goodbye because there's no way back."

"Yes, there is," one of the crew members answered. "Don't you remember, Captain? You can sail to Switchback Cove and catch the current back from there. It's like a steel trap, this noggin is."

"See? I knew there was a way home," Manny assured the others.

"There is no home! There is only here," Gutt snarled. "And here, your ship belongs to me. Battle stations!"

The cannons begin to be set on each side of the boat swords and knives had been activate. The pirates crew were quite hostile. Gutt's companions were an elephant seal, a rabbit, a kangaroo, a warthog, a seagull, a badger and another smilodon.

"Fly the colors! Now surrender your ship or face my fury."

"Or face your furry what?" Sid asked confused.

"Not "furry." Fury! Fire!"

"Hit the mammoth, win a prize." The rabbit, Squint threw his swords right at the herd. The swords hits one of Manny's tusks.

"Fire the starboard cannons," ordered Gutt.

Raz started to fire ice balls from each cannon at the group. "I love this job!"

"Shira, fetch." Gutt called out to his lieutenant, a female white saber.

Diego snaps the ropes apart but Shira got to the last one before him. The female tiger purred gently.

"I don't fight girls," Diego growled.

Shira flings the rope at Diego and tackles him.

Meanwhile, Sid was running away, screaming just as Flynn body slammed the poor sloth.

"Belly flop."

Manny: Sid!

Raz: Let's rumba, Tiny.

Gutt: Lights out, big fella.

The cannon the snowball hits Manny and he falls unconscious. Sid, Diego and Granny watch helplessly.

"Manny!" Sid cried.

Silver and Pip watched as the pirates took her mammal friends away. Pip moaned for air but Silver kept quiet. After a few breaths, the two burst from the surface, gasping for air and watch the ship leave. They are stranded alone at the ocean, and they had to follow it. 

Silver and Pip swam though as the sun began to set. Silver could hear the pirates begin laughing, celebrating their victory. The rest of the herd was tied up in ropes. Silver knew she had to do something before the pirates could maul them. She saw the blank being moved at the side of the ship. Sid and Granny are going to fall into the ocean and get eaten by the narwhals. She had to do something fast! She went over the side and urged Pip to pierce the ship with the knife. They did it together and with that the cracks started to move upwards. Silver then jumped in between the pirates roaring and piercing the middle of the ship. CRACK! The ship begins to break in halves. Many of the treasures started to fall off the ship as the ship began to sink.

Gutt: (gasps) No! No! My bounty!

Captain Gutt glares at Silver with a growl. The pirate ship sinks and food supplies sink. Silver and Pip looked around for Manny and the others. She dove deep down and started cutting the ropes on Manny and Diego and freed them. Then they appeared alive and well. Silver looked around if the pirates were here. Flynn started emerging out of the water. Although he is a sea mammal, he didn't know he was one.

Flynn: (panicking)  Ah! She sunk our battleship! What are we going to do?! We're all going to drown!

Gutt: You're a sea creature, you idiot.

Flynn: Good point, sir.

Good thing for the pirates, they found a iceberg to climb on.

Gupta: Should I fly the white, captain?

Gutt: No!

Flynn: Wait, what about Shira?

Gutt: What about her?

Squint: Yeah, what about her?

Gutt: Anyone else want to play "Captain"? Good. Now come on, blubber-brain. Swim.

Silver watched the pirates begin to leave. The woman and the young squirrel looked around for anyone. No pirate in sight. Well, that is but one. Silver and Pip turned and saw Shira struggling to swim.

Shira: Hey! Gutt! Flynn! Anyone there?

Silver begins to swim toward Shira and she scoops her under her back.

Shira: Hey! What are you doing? Go away. I'd rather drown.

Silver called out for help and found Manny and the others. The mammoth scooped Shira onto the iceberg and Silver climbed onto the iceberg herself. She shook the water off her hair as Shira coughed. Pip was the last to get on.

Shira: I said I didn't need your help.

Diego: You're welcome. So, care to join our scurvy crew?

Shira: [coughing] Two sloths, a mammoth, a squirrel, a saber and a human? You guys are like the start of a bad joke.

Diego: And we saved you. That makes you the punch line, kitty.

Growling, the tigeress pounced on Diego.

Shira: Don't call me "kitty. "

Diego: Okay, I won't... Kitty.

Diego again pushes her back.

Granny: If they kiss, I'm going to puke.

Diego: What? Wait, no.

Silver shook her head. Maybe she can tame the female smilodon, but that would not be a good case.  She looked over at the wreckage or the ship. None of this would be alive there.. They knew it was best to find somewhere to land.

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