Space Rocks

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The herd walked toward the forests as Buck sniffed the ground.  Pip began to follow his lead and sniffing the scent.

"What are you doing, Buck?" Crash asked curiously.

Buck: All rocks tell a tale. Where we've been and where we're heading.

Knowing this, Crash and Eddie  got on the ground and started sniffing. Eddie came across a strange looking rock before Buck comments, "That, however, is a turd."

Usually, Pip often found an acorn that had fallen to the ground and started storing it into Silver's backpack mostly. Meanwhile, the rest of the herd continued on.

Peaches: Julian... I want you to know that if we don't make it... if we never get married... you were the only one for me.

Julian: Hey, come on! Of course we'll make it, and we will get married.

Peaches: But maybe it's the universe telling us we won't.

Overhearing them, Sid appears.

Sid: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! You're going to let one tiny little...three hundred-mile-wide asteroid ruin your plans?

Peaches: How can we think about our future when we may not have one?

Sid: Hey, we're going to stop this thing and you'll get married. Bada-bing, bada-boom! Well, not boom. Forget I said boom. I know! I'll be your wedding planner! It'll take your mind off all this end-of-the-world stuff.

Peaches: Actually, we were just gonna wing it! Keep it low-key.

Sid: What? Peaches, Peaches. Sweetheart, you don't just wing the happiest day of your life! No, you seize it and you cherish it. You strangle it with good intentions. Ooh. Let's start with your hair. 

Crash and Eddie came around wearing female like hair, one with seaweed, and one hay. On their legs they looked like lace bracelets.

Sid: Updo with a top bun? Traditional. Or updo with a fishtail braid. Flirtatious. But maybe a little trashy. And garter belts! Today, Ed is modelling laced daisies. While Crash is rocking a more elegant ivy... that's all about the calves. 

The possums climbed on Peaches' tusks to show their laces on their legs.

"Ooh. We need a seating chart!" Sid exclaimed. "The singles table, the kids table, the weird relatives table, the smelly table, two more smelly tables..."

As he talked, Silver and Amber watched Lily hear Sid about their wedding plans.

Manny: Look at him.

Julian: Oh, you're gonna love it.

Manny: Who walks like that? Oh! Look at me. I'm Julian. Forget the asteroid. Gimme a hug, Bro-Dad! Look at that pretty bird there.

Julian: Yeah! That is a pretty bird. Good eye, Manny.

Manny: Yeah. The sky is literally falling and she thinks we're just gonna let her stroll into the wilderness...with Mr. No Plans Bouncy Walk.

Ellie: Stop picking on him.

Manny: Come on, El, you're not still mad at me, are you?

Ellie: No. I'm not still mad. Because that's not how I want to spend what could be our final days together. But if we somehow survive that planet-killing hunk of space rock... you're in for it.

Manny: If we survive, we lose our daughter.

Ellie: Well, I've been thinking about that, too. What if...

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