Possum trouble

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The snowy cold air flowed in the breeze. After a long year, after Peaches' wedding, she had left the herd to start on her own. That is somethings do happened oftenly. Lily is now six, and some things weren't cut off.

Crash, Pip and Eddie ran above the top of the hill holding a bark sleigh with Pip following after them.  They climbed above branches, hopping over glaciers, and scuttering over the icy walls.

Crash: This is gonna be our most extreme stunt ever!

Pip scurried way behind them panting softly and catching up to them.

Eddie: Extremely dangerous!

Crash: Super duper dangerous!

Eddie: Stupendously dangerous!

They scurried up high above the snowy hill. Pip looked down and can sense is very deep. Eddie and Crash are excited for this.

Eddie: That's a long way down.

Crash: Only if we can make it to the bottom.

"Crash! Eddie!  You better not be doing something dangerous!"

Tthe young possums stopped moving when they heard that It must have came from Ellie. Pip sighed as the brothers get off the sleigh.

Crash: You know, I've been thinking...

Eddie: What? When did you start doing that?

Crash: Last week.

Eddie: And you didn't say anything? Why'd you do it, Crash? We're supposed to be brothers.

Crash: I couldn't help it. I was just sitting there and thought aren't you tired of Ellie always telling us what we can't do?

Eddie: Yeah. "Don't use tar pits as a bubble bath, don't gargle with fire ants, don't scale the side the side of am unstable 10.,000 foot glacier." Ugh...She's smothering us with reasonable advice.

Crash: What if we move out and get our own place?

Eddie: Ooh! You mean a bachelor den?

Crash: Nah, I was thinking more of a place where two single guys and a squirrel girl hang out.

Eddie: That's way better!

Again, they hear Ellie's voice again. "Boys! Don't make me come get you!"

Pip wanted to go too because she needed to get back to her herd, but Eddie comfort her.  "Come on, Pip! It will be fun."

Crash: Look, I think it's time we become independent possums.

He picked up a stick and went to the edge of the cliff.

Crash: I claim this mountain in the name of possum freedom!

He strike it down. And then the ground rumbled. Pip begins to shiver, thinking this was a bad idea. The snowy cliff collapsed, sending the possums and Pip falling.

From below, the herd was relaxing on their vacation. Ellie was worried about her brothers as the female mammoth paced around.

"Crash! Eddie!" she called out. "Where are those two?"

Nearby, Sid was explaining about everything. "So that's what I've always thought that good hygiene is overrated. But what really makes me special, is that you guys listen to me."

But the mammoth and smilodon weren't listening. They had these plugs in their ears. But then, Ellie saw something coming and tried to warn them.

Manny: Uh huh, I'll do it later, dear. I promise.

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