New Island

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Everyone knew they had to leave the mainland. They traveled throughout the ocean to look for a new island. Silver navigates the current waves as she navigates the boat. There she found a new one island. From above she saw the hydraxes hang gliding through the air. There on the new island, Amber waved out saying that she had returned. Silver called out happily as Precious blew all over.

Granny: He he he. Aw...Momma loves you, too!

Silver and the others never knew this island was new. Amber and the hydraxes came over and Sid rejoiced. Silver and Amber, we're together again.

Louis: I can't wait to check this place out.

Peaches: Yeah.

Manny: Excuse me?

Peaches became shunned, thinking she would be in trouble again.

Peaches: Dad!

Manny: When you two get off this ship, I expect you both to... have fun. You're a brave kid, Weiner.

Peaches: Wait, what?

Manny: You heard me. You two should go out and explore. Go where the day takes you. But be back before sunset.

Peaches: An hour after sunset?

Manny: Yeah, not a minute later.

Peaches: Deal. I love you, Dad.

Ethan and the others came by Peaches as she walked over.

Ethan: Okay if we hang with you guys?

Steffie: I always liked him. Louis the hero. Brave-a-licious.

They all agreed and they head off to the new island. Silver and the rest of her parents watched. proudly.

Manny: She's not my little girl anymore.

Ellie: And you're both going to be just fine.

Manny: I know.

Granny: You know, Sidney? You've got yourself a nice family, here. A real family.

Sid: Yeah, I'm pretty lucky.

Granny: Here, chew this kiwi for me.

Sid: Never again. Ta-dah!

Silver looked though the new island as the rest admire. Amber headed toward Silver asking if he wants to marry him. Silver gasped in with tears of joy. She totally wanted to marry him so she agreed. For a new herd with new friends, the rest of animals begin to enjoy a new life in the new island.

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